As many of you know MINI recently teamed up with the renowned product design company Republic of Fritz Hansen and Airstream to create a mobile living concept. Now we get more of the story with a behind the scene vignette of the creation of the concept and the ideas behind it all.
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<p>Well, I don’t know if it’s roadworthy, but at least it looks like this Clubman (unlike the earlier pics) actually has a hitch! I suppose it could possibly work considering that all the interior of the standard trailer has been stripped leaving nothing but an empty aluminum shell with a few chairs in it.</p>
<p>Overall, I like the flat black & neoprene combo they did on the car. It’s accented very nicely by the touches of lime. Good job guys.</p>
<p>I like the Fritz design concepts – great stuff, on both the MINI and the trailer. But the marketing yo’s at BMW MINI, subliminally implying that the Clubman could possibly tow this behemoth, stripped or not – lay off the crack-pipe once and while guys.</p>
<p>Like what they did as a design study, feasibility on the other hand is a lark.</p>
<p>The Republic of Fritz Hansen design work is always pretty darn interesting to me. Good job on this guys.</p>
<p>That Colour is Interchange Yellow…I really like how it looks on the Black!</p>
<p>Interchange Yellow is the new Pink! LOL</p>
<p>So what’s the point of the exercise? If you are a serious surfer you haven’t got any money to spend on anything but an old 50’s woodie.</p>
<p>I suspect the point of the exercise is to get people to talk about MINI.</p>
<p>Actually GregW a VW Van is hands down the best tool for a surfer on both cost and utility.</p>
<p>Good to see just how much work does go into a concept vehicle. Why not consider broadening the appeal and application of the MINI Airstream to the broader market for use on different vehicles – not just restrict it to the MINI? Food for thought. Otherwise, it looks great.</p>
<p>I’d be interested to see if MINI NA embraces the idea of actually using a MINI to two anything, much less this Airstream. So far, installation of a hitch has been grounds for voiding your warranty.</p>
<p>Anyone know if MINI NA will officially allow towing? If so, how much?</p>