MINI’s 50th Anniversary Russian Style

Our friend Dimitri from the Russian MINI site has asked us to pass on some of the Russian highlights of MINI’s 5th Anniversary party:
>I wanted to let you know about activities dedicated to MINI 50th aniversary
that took place in Russia.
>Our club turned 5 years old this year, so we are one 10th of MINI’s age and to
celebrate the two events, we had a massive birthday party here in Moscow.
>Here are the pics
>On the whole it went like this:
>We gathered near the center of Moscow underneath a huge MINI advertising
banner. There were over 80 cars, including 5 classics. Then we set off on what
we call city quest, which involved driving around a preset route and carrying
out certain tasks. This years quest was called MINI Monopoly Quest, because the
task along the route involved stopping off at 7 Z-Stores (official Apple
retailer) and playing renown Monopoly game with a twist. the quest also had a
timed-rally aspect to it, as you could not arrive to the waypoint earlier then
the route card let you, but being more than 7 minutes late gave you penalties.
>At the end of the Quest everyone finished at a BoConcept furniture store
(Swedish furniture manufacturer, which I’m sure you have over at the US) where
we had awesome award ceremony, not just for the Quest winners, but people who
played a big part in Club’s life over the past 5 years also got special awards.
>Our latest celebration took part past saturday in the city of StPetersburg. It
was called MINI Golden wedding – 50 years. We held a golden wedding ceremony for
a R56 Cooper S and a pink classic. The ceremony gathered over 50 cars, including
several from Moscow and over cities.
<p>sounds like a proper rusky blast!</p>
<p>…outside of yandex and digital sky technologies,I didn’t know much about modern Russian life…</p>
<p>therefore,the above story,pictures,and video was so cool…</p>
<p>I guess the following saying is true: “It’s a small world after all…”</p>
<p>That was pretty fantastic! Thanks for sharing!</p>
<p>I’m getting “Error 404” No pictures since last evening. Can you fix?</p>
<p>Wow! Great event. Thanks for sharing.</p>