Ok all you MF readers. You read the site daily. You know these little cars backwards and forwards. So we’ve compiled what we think are the biggest stories of the year. But now we need you to tell us which one was your favorite. So you tell us what the biggest, most interesting, most important story you saw on MF this year.
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Now that’s you’ve had your chance, let us tell you about some of our favorite stories of the year. A few may not have gotten the attention of the stories above, but in our minds they were the gems of 2009.
<p>Biggest story of the year for me? The fact that I got my BRG+Black Clubman yesterday! Now I can enjoy driving a MINI myself instead begging to borrow my wife’s.</p>
<p>Getting my Chili Red MCS this year was definately my highlight! Now I am able to enjoy motoring and not just lurking on this website drooling over Mini’s!</p>
<p>Jim, I didn’t give you any flack. I hope the Clubman is all you thought it would be when we spoke at last years AMVIV. You’re a family man and need a family sled…;-)</p>
<li><p>When I make my last payment in June! Last year…</p></li>
<li><p>Assael sold their MINI dealership to Sonic car group and it became MINI of Monrovia! Gad what a difference, all good, in the service area.</p></li>
<p>After 20+ year of BMW ownership my wife now drives an Audi A4 because of Assael BMW staff.</p>
<p>The MINI Coupe Concept (my vote) was a bigger story than the Speedster because of its unconventional design and the fact that it was leaked to the voracious public first. That said, I predict better market success for the Speedster unless BMW takes action to de-radicalize the Coupe’s roof line prior to production — assuming the costs for both are kept under control.</p>
<p>I’m generally a one & done when it comes to car brands, meaning I want to buy something new & different each time I get a new car. So up until now I figured my current R53 would be my first & last MINI, but that Coupe concept is really pulling me back into the brand. So for me the Coupe is the story of the year, so much more radical & cool than I was expecting. Brings back the fresh & bold aesthetic that the MINI had when it first came out.</p>
<p>I didn’t vote…. Biggest real news was the delay of the R60. That will be the biggest player in the MINI revenue stream. Speedster and Coupe make a splash, but will be smaller percentages than the cabrio to the portfolio, and the lack of pricing info is very worrysome. And the Beachcomber is just a show car….</p>
<p>…the MINI Coupe is what I voted on;however,the biggest MINI story of the year,for me is the delay of the MINI Countryman…</p>
<p>…I was really hoping it would come out sooner to replace my beloved,”Sade”,that I’ve sold…</p>
<p>…by the way…”Happy New Year”,to All!</p>
<p>Biggest story of the year for me? The fact that I got my BRG+Black Clubman yesterday! Now I can enjoy driving a MINI myself instead begging to borrow my wife’s.</p>
<p>Getting my Chili Red MCS this year was definately my highlight! Now I am able to enjoy motoring and not just lurking on this website drooling over Mini’s!</p>
<p>You forgot a nominee:</p>
<p>Jimskater sells GP, catches hell on WRR, at AMVIV and life in general.</p>
<p>Jim, I didn’t give you any flack. I hope the Clubman is all you thought it would be when we spoke at last years AMVIV. You’re a family man and need a family sled…;-)</p>
<p>Happy New Year… RB of TwistyBitz</p>
<p>Oh Yeah… My Highlight will be…</p>
<li><p>When I make my last payment in June! Last year…</p></li>
<li><p>Assael sold their MINI dealership to Sonic car group and it became MINI of Monrovia! Gad what a difference, all good, in the service area.</p></li>
<p>After 20+ year of BMW ownership my wife now drives an Audi A4 because of Assael BMW staff.</p>
<p>The MINI Coupe Concept (my vote) was a bigger story than the Speedster because of its unconventional design and the fact that it was leaked to the voracious public first. That said, I predict better market success for the Speedster unless BMW takes action to de-radicalize the Coupe’s roof line prior to production — assuming the costs for both are kept under control.</p>
<p>I’m generally a one & done when it comes to car brands, meaning I want to buy something new & different each time I get a new car. So up until now I figured my current R53 would be my first & last MINI, but that Coupe concept is really pulling me back into the brand. So for me the Coupe is the story of the year, so much more radical & cool than I was expecting. Brings back the fresh & bold aesthetic that the MINI had when it first came out.</p>
<p>MINI United 2009!!!!</p>
<p>What about the R56 Cold Start Issue? That was pretty huge.</p>
<p>Or the melting hood scoops?</p>
<p>I didn’t vote…. Biggest real news was the delay of the R60. That will be the biggest player in the MINI revenue stream. Speedster and Coupe make a splash, but will be smaller percentages than the cabrio to the portfolio, and the lack of pricing info is very worrysome. And the Beachcomber is just a show car….</p>