Under the darkness of night we switched servers last-night to something faster and more dedicated. It’s all around good news for us and you. With one little exception; any comments that were made during the two hour transition have been lost. Now back to your regularly scheduled MotoringFile…
<p>That explains why my lengthy #60 comment on the “How Big is the MINI Countryman” is now missing, since there are now only 57 showing. Oh well…..</p>
<p>I had a long bit about how to obtain unlimited energy for the new MINIe using the condensate on a glass of single malt with only one ice cube and a touch of water. I was counting on this site and made no other notes on the subject. Oh well, got any aspirin?</p>
<p>thanks for working over the night.
<p>Sorry John – it was something we didn’t expect to happen.</p>