MINI Countryman

Something different tonight. I let Todd, Gabe and Chad carry on with news from MotoringFile and a short Ask Chad. Bonus you do get one of Todd’s special rants that I think almost all of you can relate to. In case you missed it, MotoringFile was at the Chicago Auto Show. You can see all of the photos and get the lowdown here.

AMVIV is shaping up to be a huge event again this year. Make sure to get over and get registered as soon as possible. While you are there, you can see what’s going on, get information on the AutoX event being hosted by the Las Vegas chapter of the SCCA and find other hotels to stay at since Aliante Station is booked. Details about White Roof Radio Live will be coming the first week of March as well. You are not going to want to miss it!

Next week we’ll be clearing out the Ask Chad mailbox. Still time to get your questions in if you would like them answered.

Woofcast 325: [audio:]

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