Readers of MotoringFile and listeners to White Roof Radio may remember that a few months back MINI extended an invitation to this community to come up with product ideas for the Countryman’s innovative center rail. The winner, as you may recall, was an ingenious idea bringing LEGOs into the back seat. The brains behind that little slice of genius received an autographed book about MINI design. What you may not have realized is that the contest that ran here on MF and on WRR was actually part of a larger international accessory competition. The prizes included a trip to the Paris Motor Show, and a pair of Apple MacBook Pro laptops. Those ideas were also rendered as prototypes and displayed at the Paris Motor Show itself.
The first idea prototype is the “Fire in the MINI” concept from Satoshi Nakamura of Germany. It’s hardly utilitarian, but then again, setting the mood is important when you’re motoring to a weekend away. For his idea, Satoshi received a four day trip for two to Paris and admission to the Paris Motor Show.
The second idea prototype, dubbed “MINI Star Karaoke” takes your road trip sing-along to a whole new level. Submitted by Chris Townsend of the UK, he received an Apple MacBook Pro for his idea.
The final prototype features something expected done in an unexpected way. The “MINI Gamer” prototype shows iPad integration focused on playing games between the seats. In this case, air hockey. Penned by Andrew Till of Italy, this little bit of thinking also earned him an Apple MacBook Pro.
Info and images courtesy of BMW Blog.
<p>wait his winning idea was to strap an ipad to it?</p>
<p>Well he submitted it first….</p>
<p>I still think the Lego idea was equal, if not better than these 3 shown here. The key is to minimize losing pieces in the Countryman, so some sort of walled tub with the bottom being entirely made of Lego studs to build upon would be great. Perhaps a removable top when not in use, could be good for containment, too.</p>
<p>And I thought the winners would be things that were actually useful and add something to the car…not tacky gimmickry</p>
<p>I don’t get it – what is the “Fire in the Mini” thing actually do? or what is it for? Just looks?</p>
<p>Nathaniel, what was your design? That’s right up your alley!</p>
<p>Clearly I was far to practical when I worked on this.</p>
<p>This is going back to Rapping Hamsters! What is Mini thinking?? An AWD vehicle needs to be cleanable with a mop, like the Honda Element, so when mud and muck and childrens ice cream gets dumped into it the vehicle can be cleaned. All the cutesy little rails and places with crevices just collect filth.</p>
<p>I say 86 the rail, would rather see R&D dumped into areas that impact/improve the driving experience.</p>
<p>The kids can hold an iPad or any other device for games, it will help build arm muscles or they can do w/o a gadget if it is too heavy!</p>
<p>Fair disclosure: we are the family that will throw a movie on for long trips.</p>
<p>However, with a $40 case on our iPad we can securely wedge it at an appropriate viewing height between the front sport seats in our Club using the space between upholstery and the rear black plastic trim. Streaming NetFlix is a peace keeper on long stretches of motoring. We use a male to male connection for sound from the iPad headphone jack to the aux in. Though I am thinking about using a headphone splitter and two sets of headphones in a future iteration…</p>
<p>@WolfgangGullich, @Dan – Maybe what they created is not super awesome, but at least it’s something. They deserve some credit for participating and winning the contest…</p>
<p>@lavardera – I’m curious to know what you came up with.</p>
<p>@Alexandre – I’m definitely not slamming them winning with their designs, good on them and congrats…I’d have liked to win a trip…I am however questioning the judges at MINI who decided though…</p>
<p>What’s interesting here is that when opened to a very, very large pool of people interested in creating product for the rail system, the actually usfull ideas that someone might buy can be counted on less than the fingers on one hand….</p>
<p>Things that make you go “Hmmmmm…..”</p>
<p>@Captain… Here, here… I totally agree! Get a freak’n bungee cord and slap that iPad on the back of the seat and let the kiddies figure it out. I had a comic book, Coke can and a stepfather who smoked cigars with the windows up!</p>
<p>As far as the rest of the crap they deem kool for the rail… HUH? Karaoke, legos, flame frame… flaming something for sure, drink rail…! drink rail…!…? How come you euro folks aren’t just having a cow over the “drink Rail”, seems even worse than a “drink Cup holders”…?</p>
<p>Hum, I just saw the Consumer Reports Reliability scores…..MINI didn’t do so well so maybe instead of foolish crap like “the rail” they should focus on a better made car???? MINI ranked 25th outta 27th with their worst vehicle being the Cab</p>
<p>Just a thought.</p>
<p>@ Matt – no doubt… crowdsourcing is not always as good a crucible for brainstorming as it is hyped to be. :)</p>
<p>one thing i have noticed with bmw and min is that owners take particular pride in the autos, so when something is wrong they report it.</p>
<p>consumer reports data is contrived from these reports and thus mini’s have always shown to be little poorer quality based on this. if i owned a chevy, I would not expect management to respond to my report of quality problems, at least in years past, but with mini and i have had mine for 7 years now, I have reported issues and had favorable responses.</p>
<p>so if you doubt the quality of the product, dont buy it. otherwise happy motoring</p>
<blockquote>I just saw the Consumer Reports Reliability scores… MINI ranked 25th outta 27th </blockquote>
<p>And this is a surprise? At least back in the day MINIs were so exceptional in looks and handling that we (I) really didn’t care where they ranked in reliability. But with both aspects watered down and the cars much closer to the median… FAIL.</p>
p><b>@jarrett</b Which flavor of the BMW koolaid are you drinking? It must be really good.</p>
<p>@thtat.guy: I dont drink koolaid its for kids, As an adult I base my decisions and my input are based on my experiences, not on facts on a page and especially not consumer reports whose advice I took in buying an LG en vu touch phone, which they rated highly and all 3 i had failed.</p>
<p>BTW do you own a mini or are you just trolling. Me indi blue 04 cooper cvt, trailer hitch added, pulling motorcyle trailmaster camper throughout the highways and byways of the us.</p>
<p>I didn’t submit anything. Really wanted to think something up, but just didn’t have the time. I’m already behind on too much other recreational design! That, and I was completely disinterested in the iPad when this contest launched. I’ve since come to my senses.</p>
<p>Although, I have mentioned the center rail more than once here at work. I’d be surprised if we didn’t mock something up at some point.</p>
<p><blockquote>@jarrett Which flavor of the BMW koolaid are you drinking? It must be really good. .</blockquote></p>
<p>Cut it out.</p>
<p>If you’ve got snark for MINI or BMW that’s your business, but don’t direct it at other commenters.</p>
<p>@Nathaniel: agreed.</p>
<p>Nice stuff. We did, however, scroll down hoping to see the Lego prototype! I’m about ready to order a new MINI, but haven’t yet decided if it’ll be a Countryman or a Coupe “S”. Either way, it’s gonna be Racing Green II. Rock on guys.</p>
<p>Does anybody know if the Countryman has more legroom space then the regular Mini?
I am really tall and I need to put my driver seat all the way to the back and I am wondering if my kid would fit behind me. On the regular Mini there absolutely not a single inch of room.
Thanks for any info!</p>
<p>I really want an iPad holder that is flexible and connects to power and sound. My two-year-old loves playing games and watching movies on it, but I would never let her hold it in her car seat. Something that held it at an adjustable viewing angle would be perfect.</p>