MINI advertising around the world often makes waves. The latest from MINI New Zealand is offering test drives at night. Why, you ask? Well it’s not just to show off the Xenons. The campaign takes a cheeky angle about what sorts of troublesome distractions can be avoided by dashing out in the dead of night. More after the break.
The basic premise is that at night, there are fewer distractions, obstacles, and well…cops to get in the way of your driving fun. What might the cops be up to at such hours?
<p>I like the idea, since there’s less traffic at night, and the ad with the cop is funny (though probably wouldn’t fly here in the States)… But what do I know? I did my test driving in the rain.</p>
<p>I actually think night test drives are a great idea — including for the xenons. Nothing worse than a test drive in bumper to bumper traffic when you can’t even get up to the speed limit, much less test the suspension in a sharp corner a bit. Might be a great way for a U.S. dealer to get some traffic in the dealership — night test drives every Tuesday night, free punch and disco music. Who could resist?</p>
<p>I like the idea, since there’s less traffic at night, and the ad with the cop is funny (though probably wouldn’t fly here in the States)… But what do I know? I did my test driving in the rain.</p>
<p>Jonny and the team at Team McMillian MINI in NZ rock.</p>
<p>Night drives might be a good idea in some areas, but in Fairfield County the deer population could be a problem. Even with Xenons.</p>
<p>Very funny stuff from NZ. The US market is too lame to approve it. Too bad.</p>
<p>Night time in NZ also appears to be the best choice for a police ride-along.</p>
<p>I actually think night test drives are a great idea — including for the xenons. Nothing worse than a test drive in bumper to bumper traffic when you can’t even get up to the speed limit, much less test the suspension in a sharp corner a bit. Might be a great way for a U.S. dealer to get some traffic in the dealership — night test drives every Tuesday night, free punch and disco music. Who could resist?</p>
<p>Hmmm… is that girl a lap-belt dancer? Puts a whole new meaning to safety belt harnesses doesn’t it?</p>