MINI USA reported its best February ever with sales of 3,503 automobiles in February, an increase of 22 percent from the 2,871 in February 2010. For the year sales are up an almost identical 22.2%.
<p>GM was up 46%
Ford was up 10%
Chrysler was up 13%</p>
<p>Ford wasn’t up as much because last year, Ford had one of the best Febs in the industry because they’d dealt with the recession better than most, and much better than GM and Chrysler.</p>
<p>For Asian brands,</p>
<p>Toyota up 42%
Honda up 22%
Nissan up 32%
Hyundai up 32%</p>
<p>And Toyota’s numbers were stellar this year because of them taking it up the backside last year…</p>
<p>Bought a Cooper S Cabrio a couple of weeks ago.</p>
<p>The car is an absolute blast. I’ve come to realize that the most important Mini safety feature isn’t the popup roll-bar, or the air-bag system, or the auto-tensioning seat-belt system. It’s the virtual guarantee that you will never fall asleep at the wheel when you are driving a Mini!</p>
<p>Sounds good, right?</p>
<p>GM was up 46%
Ford was up 10%
Chrysler was up 13%</p>
<p>Ford wasn’t up as much because last year, Ford had one of the best Febs in the industry because they’d dealt with the recession better than most, and much better than GM and Chrysler.</p>
<p>For Asian brands,</p>
<p>Toyota up 42%
Honda up 22%
Nissan up 32%
Hyundai up 32%</p>
<p>And Toyota’s numbers were stellar this year because of them taking it up the backside last year…</p>
<p>I did my part to help out Mini this month.</p>
<p>Bought a Cooper S Cabrio a couple of weeks ago.</p>
<p>The car is an absolute blast. I’ve come to realize that the most important Mini safety feature isn’t the popup roll-bar, or the air-bag system, or the auto-tensioning seat-belt system. It’s the virtual guarantee that you will never fall asleep at the wheel when you are driving a Mini!</p>
<p>Oh, and overall US auto sales were up 27% year on year for the month of Feb. So, is 22% good news or not? ;)</p>
<p>Sounds like the economy is getting better.</p>
<p>Gas at $4 and probably $5 soon helps sales too.</p>
<p>I’ll be helping marches numbers as im taking delivery of my hardtop s this month</p>