Last Sunday the 26th of June Top Gear Season 17 debuted with Jeremy Clarkson driving the BMW 1M and James May racing the MINI JCW Countryman WRC against a sled. We’ll leave the 1M to our sister site and of course focus on the JCW WRC. Unfortunately this version of the video omits Captain Slow giving the rally car the business on public roads. To say he was impressed would be an understatement. But we’ll have to make due with just the main event: Chris Meeke racing against him is Amy Williams, the British Olympic skeleton gold medalist.
We won’t give away the result but we will say (in true Top Gear fashion) it’s very close.
<p>I really enjoyed watching that…and even celebrated when the times were announced…
but in reality…we are all winners because of that segment 😉 olympic skeleton has just become my n ew favorite sport…</p>
<p>Have more respect for the Skeleton run have to admit, the MINI run was good but moving that fast on the ice deserves proper respect. Maybe they should go more interesting and ask Loeb to bring the Citroen over and run it against the MINI heh.</p>
<p>Shes so hot, she deserved to win.</p>
<p>BMW and MINI are sure using this Olympic connect to the most.</p>
<p>I look for Olympic editions for MINI and BMW just like in 1996, well BMW for 1996.</p>
<p>Nice showing.</p>
<p>BMW and MINI are sure using this Olympic connect to the most.</p>
<p>I look for Olympic editions for MINI and BMW just like in 1996, well BMW for 1996.</p>
<p>Nice showing.</p>
<p>Â . . . well edited.</p>
<p>Â . . . well edited.</p>
<p>That was entertaining for sure!</p>
<p>I really enjoyed watching that…and even celebrated when the times were announced…
but in reality…we are all winners because of that segment 😉 olympic skeleton has just become my n ew favorite sport…</p>
<p>I can’t decide which ride would have been scarier.</p>
<p>Have more respect for the Skeleton run have to admit, the MINI run was good but moving that fast on the ice deserves proper respect. Maybe they should go more interesting and ask Loeb to bring the Citroen over and run it against the MINI heh.</p>
<p>…..and the secon run….. ???
………….uphill   !!!  ;-)</p>
<p>Listen to that WRC MINI!!! Awesome.</p>
<p>man i want a countryman WRC</p>