Racers Kris Meeke and the Dani Sordo are getting ready for their second round of WRC competition. They’re getting everything prepped for the Gravel Grand Prix at the end of this month. Here we have them putting the WRC Countryman through its paces once again. I don’t know about you, but we never get tired of watching this car tear up the course.
<p>whew – some serious air-time</p>
<p>Should be fun to watch. Best of luck Pro-drive</p>
<p>Should be fun to watch. Best of luck Pro-drive</p>
<p>YIKES! That thing sounds nasty.</p>
<p>I didn’t know Meeke was a pilot!</p>
<p>wow this video really makes me want to launch my mini into the air…. man i want a wrc</p>
<p>wow this video really makes me want to launch my mini into the air…. man i want a wrc</p>
<p>wow this video really makes me want to launch my mini into the air…. man i want a wrc</p>
<p>wow this video really makes me want to launch my mini into the air…. man i want a wrc</p>
<p>POISE . . . . defined.</p>
<p>Holy Shit</p>
<p>Yikes. I never really watched much WRC driving, but this certainly gives me a new-found respect for what these guys do. Seems positively terrifying and exhilirating. What blows my mind, by the way, is how (to borrow someone else’s words from these comments) “poised” the car seems when it touches down after hurling trough the air just moments before. As if it were on rails. </p>
<p>And makes we wonder: Can we expect anything near to the same “poise” for the JCW Countryman when it finally hits public roads? (Not in terms of crazy jumping through the air driving, but in terms of every-day street driving, I mean. Can we expect a serious improvement in poise in the car when pushed near the limit?)</p>
<p>From road to the air and back to the road seems so seamless.</p>