MINI Getaway is one part tag, one part FourSquare. Last year MINI turned a large area of Stockholm into a playing field where players could win a MINI Countryman. This year it’s Tokyo and the MINI Coupé. Using the MINI Getaway app, players home in on a virtual Coupé. Once they’re within 50 meters of the virtual car, you can “take” the car. Easy right? Trouble is, once you possess the virtual Coupé, your competitors are now after you. Any competitor that then gets within 50 meters of you can steal your virtual car away. Whoever can possess the virtual MINI Coupé until the end of the game wins one in the real world. Pretty slick.

Obviously, players have to stay within the playing field, but for the Tokyo version of this game it’s a pretty big playing field. It’s 240 square miles, to be exact. In a city as vast and dense as Tokyo, winning that new Coupé will be as much a game of endurance as speed. The campaign in Sweden is credited with doubling MINI’s sales there last year, so hopes are high for the campaign in Tokyo. If the Japanese video didn’t quite make sense, try the Stockholm video below.

[Source: Creativity]