Tis the season and you’ve parked in a sea of SUVs at the local mall. Trying to find your MINI can be a daunting task! Unless you were at a mall in Canada where MINI Canada attached giant balloons on MINIs.
>In an act of holiday spirit and kindness, MINI Canada marked three-foot helium balloons with a message that said, “YOUR MINI IS PARKED HERE” and attached to every MINI parked in the lot. When MINI drivers were done their shopping, they were able to simply scan the sea of automobiles and easily pick out their MINI, giving them the ability to “unpark” faster and get back on the road.
<p>Very cool, but if you find my MINI at a mall parking lot like that call the police because it has been stolen..</p>
<p>Freaking love it. So awesome</p>