On time and under budget, just the way we like it! News from Motoringfile.com like we like to do followed by another epic Ask Chad session! And a few updates to goings on around the MINI Event space. Good stuff abounds, check it out!
Speaking of Ask Chad, we have a few questions still in the queue but should be getting those answered during the next few shows. Keep those questions coming in. Same with the comments and feed back, we get it all!
Woofcast 421: [audio:http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/www.whiteroofradio.com/podcasts/woof421.mp3]
Download| 1:05:47 | 31mb | WRR @ iTunes | Show Notes
<p>Some tough love for you boys. 5 hosts on WWR, ok 4 with Gabe dropping in occaisionally. There is not one R56 owner among you. Gabe owned one for a year, but the reality is that even he has no experience with R56 ownership beyond warrantee. And yes, there are loaners and long term reviewers in the MF garage. Not the same as owning a car that you rely on for transportation and to be reliable, no back up, no 2nd or third car in the garage. Chad clearly knows the cars well, but he does not own one nor drive one on a daily basis, and his interaction comes from dealing with owners with problems, and this clearly shapes ones outlook.</p>
<p>In short you guys are growing more and more irrelevant to the majority percentage of Mini owners. I understand if you don’t want to replace your car for the sake of staying current, especially when you love your 1st gen Mini, but the frequency with which I come away from a show feeling like you don’t know what you are talking about is growing. Gabe when present almost never fails to ground these moments in reality, but as I said even his experience is limited a few cherry months soon after the car rolled off the line. I’m sure you feel you are being forthright and honest – call’n them as you see them. I’m just telling you that when I listen to the show it becomes more and more apparent that you are increasingly unaware of what you don’t know. I feel like I am listening to a radio show about a car that is not owned or used by the guys on the show. How does this happen?</p>
<p>So just some honest feedback. R56 has almost run its course. The faithful R53 owners that sustain your following well into the R56 era will not be there in the same numbers moving forward. With the current tenor of the show I don’t think you can expect R56 owners to follow you on in the same way. You are late for the train, and it does not sound like any of you is about to buy an R56 in the closing months. So why am I listening again?</p>
<p>Great points Greg. All of them. Appreciate the feedback!</p>
<p>big fan no matter!</p>
<p>Great points Greg. All of them. Appreciate the feedback!</p>
<p>Good show guys, still happy you guys got Chad on the show. As for not having second gen Todd is working on that with the GP2. Quick clarification I don’t believe the JCW suspension has been released for the R59/R58 as of yet. Still think MINI United moving to the same year as MTTS was a huge error by MINI for getting people from the US over to France. Expensive proposition to hit both events in the same year.</p>
<p>Would be cool to meet Michael Johnston for sure though MTTS is just to far away for me to legitimately get too. Chuckled at the call out DB ;)</p>