We’ve received a couple of noteworthy questions in the MotoringFile inbox of late, and we’d like to share the answers with the whole community. First comes this question from Dusty regarding diesel availability for the Paceman in the US:
As I’m sure you’re heard hundreds of times regarding diesels for the US market, it would be cool if you could post any updates to the new Paceman engine choices for the US market. Hopefully the SD model will make it to the US. Thanks much!!
What we currently know, and have reported on in the past, is that if a diesel option comes to the US, it won’t be until the 2014 model year with the F56. That’s at the soonest. If and when the diesel option comes to the Countryman or Paceman, it’ll likely be on a delay of several months after. Right now, our sources are still unsure just which specific diesel power plant we would get here in the states — be it D, SD or a third engine specifically for this market. But fingers crossed for the engine in the Cooper SD range of MINIs. In the R60 and R61 especially, it’s a fantastic choice.
<p>I think the readers of MF, especially those who are new to the site, don’t always appreciate that the site was born out of love for the MINI brand. Yes, the site is monetized (with ads based on our own browsing activity)–and, for the traffic it gets, it should be.
And, if you are only visiting this site and not listening to WRR, you are missing out on some really valuable content for MINI enthusiasts. MF and WRR are responsible for my taking the leap, and buying a MINI. I will continue to be a faithful reader and listener, and I would like to sincerely thank Gabe, DB, Todd, Chad, Michael, and Nathaniel for all of their work and dedication.</p>
<p>As for my fellow community members, my only wish is that you would pause a beat before posting to this site. I love a heated, well-argued debate, but I must confess that I can’t stomach comments from users to a free site that are entitled, rude, or just plain thoughtless and uninformed. Yes, I understand that is the state of the Web today…but I can barely get through the comments anymore without reading one that makes my blood boil for all the wrong reasons. Let’s motor…not piss each other off.</p>
<p>No comment on how BMW bringing its 2.0L Diesel over for its cars could carry over to MINI? Does each model with each engine require its own certification?</p>
<p>I think the readers of MF, especially those who are new to the site, don’t always appreciate that the site was born out of love for the MINI brand. Yes, the site is monetized (with ads based on our own browsing activity)–and, for the traffic it gets, it should be.
And, if you are only visiting this site and not listening to WRR, you are missing out on some really valuable content for MINI enthusiasts. MF and WRR are responsible for my taking the leap, and buying a MINI. I will continue to be a faithful reader and listener, and I would like to sincerely thank Gabe, DB, Todd, Chad, Michael, and Nathaniel for all of their work and dedication.</p>
<p>As for my fellow community members, my only wish is that you would pause a beat before posting to this site. I love a heated, well-argued debate, but I must confess that I can’t stomach comments from users to a free site that are entitled, rude, or just plain thoughtless and uninformed. Yes, I understand that is the state of the Web today…but I can barely get through the comments anymore without reading one that makes my blood boil for all the wrong reasons. Let’s motor…not piss each other off.</p>
<p>No comment on how BMW bringing its 2.0L Diesel over for its cars could carry over to MINI? Does each model with each engine require its own certification?</p>
<p>Yes, each body-engine combination must be certified.</p>