A few weeks back at this year’s Geneva Motorshow an MF reader noticed something odd about the fogs of the R56 hatch on the MINI stand. The Foglights were completely different and 100% LED rather than the standard bulbs. A closer look revealed even more. They were fully LED, and illuminated in three ways: the upper half of the halo only, the full halo, or the full halo and the fog lamp lit up.
In the words of MF reader Jason who spotted them, “They look amazing – much better than stock.” However surprisingly the folks at the MINI stand knew nothing about them. We know they were an officially MINI part since they had the world “MINI” stamped into the center of the light itself (and of course they were on the stand of a major auto show).
Over the past couple of week We’ve done some asking around but have thus far come up empty. So we turn to you dear MotoringFile reader. Does anything have any light to shed on these new LED fog lights? Are they unreleased accessories? Or maybe a sneak peek at what to expect on the F56? Or perhaps just MINI designers having a laugh?
Hat tip to Jason for the photos.
<p>I hope these can be ordered.. Sign me up!</p>
<p>The retrofit kit is part # 63122338554 and MINI Deutschland advertised them on Facebook at the time of Geneva Auto Show with the following URL: <a href="http://www.mini.de/news_stories/mini_fahren/scheinwerfer_tagfahrlicht/" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.mini.de/news_stories/mini_fahren/scheinwerfer_tagfahrlicht/</a></p>
<p>Price in Germany is 290€ for hardware and 200€ for installation (two hours). Still waiting for information on availability.</p>
<p><a href="http://snag.gy/S81Fl.jpg" rel="nofollow ugc">http://snag.gy/S81Fl.jpg</a></p>
<p>Very cool. I like.</p>
<p>That’s fantastic! I’ve been trying desperately to find these lamps, and I’m truly glad that you were able to come up with a part number! I’ll be calling my MINI dealer today to check out pricing and availability.</p>
<p>Open it in Google Chrome and then hit translate:
<a href="http://www.bmw-kirsch.de/onlineshop/product_info.php?info=p5042_Mini-Tagfahrlicht-LED-R55-R61.html" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.bmw-kirsch.de/onlineshop/product_info.php?info=p5042_Mini-Tagfahrlicht-LED-R55-R61.html</a></p>
<p>308 Euros….so $402 US. Pricey…but oh so cool</p>
<p>For those who can’t read German. MINI Deutschland says that the new lights fit better together with the xenon headlights. They have the same whiteness.</p>
<p>want indeed.</p>
<p>Dealership parts guy said they’re not for the US market, so he couldn’t even place an order. Said they’re listed for Germany, Japan, and Canada (maybe others?).</p>
<p>I ran a parts inquiry (I work for a MINI Dealer) and the item comes up however shows it is not orderable for the U.S. market.</p>
<p>Aren’t halo / “Angel Eye” lights already a bit played out? They’re a bit late to the game… LEDs with no halo, please.</p>
<p>I agree, especially with all the knockoff/ebay halos out there.. They were cool the first few years when the 5/3 series has them – Its like how some car makers are still coming out with Alteza euro tail lights in 2013.. It was cool 10 years ago.</p>
<p>That said, I like the newer angular ones on the current BMWs, but the regular round halos look very dated.</p>
<p>Is it possible to have a picture of the full car to see how they look in perspective to the rest of the MINI?</p>
<p>Sorry, no. I was so excited to inspect these lamps that I didn’t even stop to grab a shot of the whole car.</p>
<p>Fair enough, they look pretty cool.</p>
<p>Found this on Facebook</p>
<p><a href="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/47989_10151441396407632_948712334_n.png" rel="nofollow ugc">https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/47989_10151441396407632_948712334_n.png</a></p>
<p>Better than I imagined, especially in the dark, cheers for the link</p>
<p>The new F56 is rumoured to have a ‘halo’ LED design around the actual headlights rather than/as well as the chrome halo that is seen on current MINI’s. almost like a day time running light that surrounds the normal unit.</p>
<p>That’s exactly what they will have. In told its pretty stunning.</p>
<p>If anyone wants them I may be able to get them over to you BUT you will need to see if they require additional coding.</p>
<p>I would be interested in a set of those halo fog lights… can probably do my own coding if necessary, but I understand it’s a roll of the dice. Drop me a line at <a href="mailto:fishbert@gmail.com">fishbert@gmail.com</a> if you can get your hands on a set and let me know what the final price would be. Thanks.</p>
<p>Erg. LED’s for the sake of LED’s. Does it look nice? Can give it that. But there’s no real point other than that. What bothers me about this is that they’ve preserved the half circle parking/fog light set up, and then added a separately lit ring around that. It makes no sense. If you’re going to put an LED ring around the light, why continue to split it in half? It would make more sense to remove the split and do something like the parking light framed by a fog light LED ring, or vice versa. There’s complication here for the sake of complication. Meh. Call me a purist.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.mini.de/news_stories/mini_fahren/scheinwerfer_tagfahrlicht/index.html#13663099112721&notLoggedIn#149" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.mini.de/news_stories/mini_fahren/scheinwerfer_tagfahrlicht/index.html#13663099112721&notLoggedIn#149</a></p>