MINI Shoots and Scores: The MINI Paceman GoalCooper

Official 4/1 Release: The countdown is on in Brazil and soccer fans are gearing up for the biggest global sporting event of the year. Jerseys and flags are in huge demand but one question remains: what will be the car of choice for celebrating fans from mid June? MINI is sure to strike from outside the box with its homage to the beautiful game: the MINI Paceman GoalCooper.
This top international player is based on the MINI John Cooper Works Paceman, and is equipped with all it takes to make it from the group stages through to the final. The MINI Design Team captained by Oliviero Weilinho combined the colours green, blue and yellow to come up with the exclusive Danielson multi-coloured exterior line, giving MINI an early 1:0 lead.
The interior kit is far from off-side, astro turf floor mats in Brasileiro Green and the “floodlights” in the shape of a MINI LED interior lighting package give a stadium like feel. With this equipment aboard the MINI Paceman GoalCooper will set off “Mexican waves” on all four seats. It is match-fit when it comes to reliving controversial referee decisions and glorious goals via live web stream. A universal holder for smartphones and a rear holder for the Apple iPad will ensure comfortable viewing on the rear seat terraces. For relieving pre-match tension or enjoying some half-time downtime the MINI Paceman GoalCooper features a miniature table football set mounted on the Center Rail.
The MINI Paceman GoalCooper is fully equipped for training between matches. The rear seatbacks can be folded over to turn the boot, which is fully clad in AstroTurf, into a football goal. The net is attached behind the front seats. The MINI Paceman GoalCooper has a top defence line-up making it very difficult for any striker to score. As soon as the Park Distance Control (PDC) sensors, in conjunction with the interior monitoring sensors of the alarm system, register a shot on goal, the electric tailgate is operated, instantly closing the tailgate, reflecting the ball and keeping the box clean.
If a player successfully puts one past the ‘keeper’, he can share his success immediately with other MINI drivers. When the final whistle has been blown after 90 minutes the score is transmitted to the iPad in the MINI via a special MINI Paceman GoalCooper MINI Connected App. Thanks to intelligent connectivity the results can be compared online with other registered users at any time. The table is updated every day and at the end of the tournament the MINI Community World Champion will lift the trophy.
The new star of the MINI Team will be officially presented on 1 April 2014. All details regarding transfer fees and contract periods will remain strictly confidential until then.
<p>“countdown is on in Brazil and soccer fans are gearing up” Let’s get it correct! The MINI is an British Car, made by a German company and the world cup is being played in Brazil – so it’s FOOTBALL – not soccer. That’s a USA term. If you guy at Motoringfile are going to cross over into sports (via MINI) then get it right – FOOTBALL.Sheeze!</p>
<p>In England it’s: Football. In Germany it’s Fussball and in Brazil it’s Futebol.</p>
<p>Yes I’m giving Motoringfile a hard time.</p>
<p>This is MINI’s press release – not ours.</p>
<p>…but “Written By: Gabe”</p>
<p>Think of it more as “posted by Gabe”</p>
<p>As has been the case for 11 years, when things are posted or published to the site, the name of the person doing that appears.</p>
<p>As the old saying goes:</p>
<p>“Lighten up, Francis”</p>
<p>Sorry, I’m a stickler for details and I’m against “Americanizing” something that was invented in England (founders of the game). That goes for other things not invented in the USA too. Details, Details.</p>
<p>The Mini press release must have come from MINI USA. MINI UK would have never used “soccer”.</p>
<p>Wouldn’t the bigger joke have been to model it after the England national football team?</p>
<p>Yeah, except the World Cup is being played in Brazil, although – who knows if they’ll have the stadiums ready and if not – that will be a joke (tragedy)</p>
<p>April Fools!</p>
<p>What about the car? No one has commented about the car; its paint scheme, etc. Obviously the colors are from those used in the Brazilian flag. It think it looks very apropos. It also looks a lot like the “United Colors of Benetton” advertising done in the 80s.</p>
<p>R.O., sorry but the joke’s on you. It’s always funny when someone who pretends to be authoritative on a subject is the one who’s wrong. The term “soccer” is short for “aSOCCiation” football, a term coined in England to differentiate between the other variations of football. Now of course, now we call it soccer here in the USA, while it’s football elsewhere, but a bit of homework would’ve done you some good. You’re only fooling those who probably don’t care anyways, the rest of us just called your bluff.</p>
<p>On topic, the paint job on that Paceman is better then the newly-revealed USA World Cup Away kit!</p>