After a failed attempt at a live show, can you believe Skype was able to save the day? Oh boy did it! Todd, Chad and I still managed to mope our way through a show for you, talkin’ about MINI stuff, like we like to do. Tons of news from tonight, Todd took an F56 apart with his teeth and we were joined by Mr. Gabe Bridger. We even talked quite a bit about the issues with the F56 Cooper and what MINIUSA is doing about it.
<p>In Colorado you can tint the rear windows as dark as you like as long as the front windows are 70% (factory), or you can tint all windows to 27%.</p>
<p>In Colorado you can tint the rear windows as dark as you like as long as the front windows are 70% (factory), or you can tint all windows to 27%.</p>