We’re almost a third of the way into the 2014 MINI Takes The States and all of us at MotoringFile wish all the participants a memorable, exciting and safe trip.  If you haven’t signed up yet, there is still a limited amount of time to join the party, so head on over to  In the mean time we hope you enjoy the coverage from our comrades at White Roof Radio that will be posted on MotoringFile periodically throughout the event in addition to the resources below.

If you see any of the MotoringFile or White Roof Radio sponsors along the way, be sure to wave and say hello.  In particular, be sure to thank MINI USA for organizing such a fantastic event.  Motor On.

What is MTTS?

In case you’ve missed the previous posts, MINI Takes The States is a cross-country road trip organized by MINI USA. Each leg of the two-week trip consists of a “Rise and Shine” event followed by roughly 300-400 miles of driving to a new destination bookmarked by a massive party, fun events and/or lots of entertainment.  This year there are over 300 MINIs registered to make the entire trek coast to coast which is up substantially from the last MINI Takes The States.  Included in those 300 MINIs are two of the friendly hosts of the White Roof Radio, Db and Todd.  If you can’t make the trip but want to follow vicariously in your fellow MINIac’s tire treads, check out MotoringFile, White Roof Radio and the links listed below.

Why register?

Before you miss out on any more fun, if you plan on going for a few legs or even if for only one leg, by taking a few minutes (and $45) to get registered you can take advantage of everything that is MINI Takes The States! Registration lets the organizers know to expect you, to have a swag bag for you and any other benefits/parties/really cool things available when you arrive.  Many of the local stops are organized by dealerships and they need to be able to accurately prepare so that there are enough items such as food and drink to go around.  Lastly, feel good knowing that this year’s Charity Partner is the Best Friends Animal Society, an animal welfare organization dedicated to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America’s shelters.


White Roof Radio – podcastFacebookTwitter and Instagram

MotoringFile – FacebookTwitter and Instagram

MINI Takes The States [Official site]

MINI USA – Tumblr, FacebookTwitter and Instagram

MTTS2014 unofficial owner/participant [private] Facebook page