YoungDrive! Program Lets UK Kids Learn to Drive MINIs
Youth may be wasted on the young, but the charms of the new MINI Hatch won’t be. MINI has further strengthened its relationship with MotorSport Vision by supplying 11 new MINI Cooper D Hatch models for its YoungDrive! programme.
<p>Get em while they’re young…</p>
<p>I have to question the reasoning for teaching a “child” how to drive a MINI at age 11, when the UK minimum driving age is 17 years. Only then a person can get a “L” learners licence for two years with very tight restrictions. So why encourage “kids” who can’t be legal for at least 5 years?
Even if a 17 year old could afford to buy a MINI, he/she would attract such high insurance premiums that would make it a very expensive exercise.</p>
<p>It’s not that uncommon for kids to learn how to drive before the official driving age. Especially in more rural settings. And early-learners often seem to turn out to be much better drivers in the end.</p>
<p>Yep — I remember my high-school driver-ed days.</p>
<p>A girl from out in the country who already had behind-the-wheel experience far outclassed the rest of us in driving skills. The instructor kept using her as an example of what to do when behind the wheel. He also used me&others as examples of what <em>not</em> to do, but I don’t want to get into that. ;)</p>
<p>Kids who get safe and controlled behind-the-wheel experience well before they take driver-ed will almost certainly end up as safer teenage drivers.</p>