Full crew tonight, including Nathaniel from [ScooterFile](http://www.scooterfile.com) and Gabe from [MotoringFile](https://www.motoringfile.com) talking about MINIs and other car related things for you this week. Ok, we spend most of the night talking about JCW stuff. And beards, but you need to click back to the [live version](http://youtu.be/_MkoW5H9aMc) for that, and all of the other pre-show things we do.
Be sure to join us next week as we will be talking to the only Jalop guy that doesn’t hate MINIs; Patrick George. Should be a great show. Also, programming update, as we finish out the year, next weeks show will also be our last for 2014 except we are tying to organize a Google Hangout for Christmas day, if you are looking for a way to get away from Christmas for a bit. Stay tuned for deets!
<p>Is it really hard to read the heads-up with sunglasses on? Don’t own a F56. Will someday.</p>
<p>I wasn’t able to read it at all with mine. At least not without turning my head.</p>
<p>It should be clarified that it’s polarized sunglasses that have the issue. Not simply tinted sunglasses in general.</p>