Db still doesn’t think the diesel is coming and other news from [MotoringFile.com](https://www.motoringfile.com) start us out this week. All of the news that is fit for us to talk about it. A little Ask Chad/Todd about graphics you will find useful. Alex recaps his trip to California and I talk a little more about the R56 heretofore known as Bruce.
Don’t forget any of the fine sponsors for your Valentine. Might we recommend a smart phone holder from [Craven Speed](http://www.cravenspeed.com) (aka the ‘Squeezy Thing’) or perhaps some fine motoring gear from [Outmotoring.com](http://www.outmotoring.com)? Trust us, this stuff is Valentine’s Day gold, friends.
Finally, we are getting closer to our goal of $100 per episode at [Patreon](http://www.patreon.com/whiteroofradio). We really appreciate the support! We’re going to have rewards for those that have already contributed very soon along with rewards for future Patrons. Remember, when we hit $100, Todd is going to make it rain! Rain butter, baby!
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