We start out with some event reminders to keep you guys in the loop. If you are one that is going to be attending [AMVIV](http://www.amviv.com/), you should be getting registered at The Silverton sooner rather than later. They were already at 75% capacity on the room rate last week. While you are there, you should also register for the [event](http://www.amviv.com/).
Followed by news from MotoringFile.com, including this [post](https://www.motoringfile.com/2015/03/17/opinion-how-could-mini-innovate/) by Alex last week. We would be curious to know what your thoughts are on how MINI could innovate within the automotive industry. What do you think? [Click](https://www.motoringfile.com/2015/03/17/opinion-how-could-mini-innovate/) over and leave a comment!
For those of you in Philly, please take care of Todd and Alex this weekend and know that I am seriously bummed that I’m missing it!