News from MotoringFile and a great interview with Stephen Simpson from Lap Motor Sports after their 2nd place finish at Road Atlanta. Click through to listen!
News from MotoringFile tonight, like we like to do. When you get a chance, Gabe has a great write up after checking out the Clubman last week and you can read [that here]( You can check out the epic photo of the [Amazon Prime Motoring Show lads here]( And check out [Library of Motoring here]( Oh, and we might have spent some time talking about Android Auto vs. Apple Car Play (as seen on the Facebook page last week)
Besides that, Todd and Alex had a great interview with Stephen Simpson from [Lap Motor Sports]([Follow on FB too!]( You should already be keeping track of everything, but they did finish the racing season with a [second place at Road Atlanta]( They did a great job last season and we are really looking forward to the next!