MTTS 2016: Green Bay Rise & Shine Gallery

MTTS is over. And in our all too brief time on the cross country trip we found it to be all it was advertised and more. As we wrote in our recent article on MTTS 2016, as much as MTTS has changed, its core has not. There’s still the same excitement in meeting other MINI owners and seeing their unique MINIs. There’s still the same thrill in speaking and having an open dialogue with MINI designers, product specialists and executives. And the backdrop of it all is still there – the grandeur of the American countryside.
With any rapid growth there are trade offs. MTTS 2016 features more time in queues and the anonymity of a crowd. But after witnessing the joy on the faces of hundreds of drivers as they honked and cheered their way out of Green Bay, there’s no denying that the MTTS spirit is alive and well.
Want proof? How about a few hundred photos of MINIs drivers and fans as they headed west from Green Bay onto Minneapolis.