We’ve seen a few videos of the new JCW GP Concept but nothing quite like this. It’s a high-energy manifesto for the JCW brand and the new concept.
The GP Concept is a car that gives us an early peek at what the 2019 GP could look like. Gone will be some of the more outlandish details (it will have an interior for instance) but we do expect this new GP to be more back to basics than what we’ve seen recently from MINI.
What really stands out here is the over the top aggressiveness that MINI Design has use to convey the abilities of the forthcoming GP. We’ve expected front wheel drive all along with power over 250 hp. But with this much aggressive styling and engineering put into this concept, we can’t help but wonder if MINI has something a bit more dramatic up their sleeves. We’ll have much more on the new concept in the coming days and week. Until then check out the video above and much more in MotoringFile’s JCW GP section.
<p>Mini’s Civic Type-R. I really hope those rear fender things make it into <a href="https://lb.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=195298" rel="nofollow">production</a> . Actually, I really hope everything makes it into production.</p>