MINI USA sales are continuing their downward trend for the first month of 2018. In total MINI USA reported 2,937 vehicles sold, a decrease of 5.6 percent from the 3,110 sold in the same month a year ago. All individual models were down with the Countryman being the lone exception.
While the top-line isn’t that alarming, it’s clear the crossover is absolutely murdering the four door hatch and Clubman – down 22% and 60% respectively. Knowing the US buying habits we all saw it coming but even still it’s pretty incredible how much the higher riding Countryman is the preferred option.
<p>If I were in the market for a Mini, the clubman would be my first choice. It’s problem is cost. For the amount it costs to get a half decent outfitted clubman S you’ll find a plethora of nice autos worthy of consideration.</p>
<p>They could have a decently-equipped, reasonably accelerating model available for under $30k.</p>
<p>It’s simply unacceptable in this market for a new car (not SUV) costing more than $25k to be 9 seconds 0-60. I’m sure it’s an immediate turnoff for most test drivers. And to the previous commenter’s point, the S is really too expensive.</p>
<p>The MINI marketing that pops up on my screen these days is exclusively Countryman and outdoor adventure-oriented. It’s clearly what they’re pushing.</p>
<p>I’ve been holding off on a hardtop purchase for the LCI. Now that it seems like USA is going to get a watered down LCI, I think the declining sale will continue because people like me are waiting for stuff like DCT, and a proper LCI like the rest of the world is getting.</p>
<p>Not only were all the other models down on sales, the Countryman outsold the combined sales of all of its sibling models:</p>
<p>Hardtop 2dr 0645
Hardtop 4dr 0368
Clubman— 0238
Convertible- 0201</p>
<p>Combined– 1,452
Countryman 1,485</p>
<p>If I were in the market for a Mini, the clubman would be my first choice. It’s problem is cost. For the amount it costs to get a half decent outfitted clubman S you’ll find a plethora of nice autos worthy of consideration.</p>
<p>They could have a decently-equipped, reasonably accelerating model available for under $30k.</p>
<p>It’s simply unacceptable in this market for a new car (not SUV) costing more than $25k to be 9 seconds 0-60. I’m sure it’s an immediate turnoff for most test drivers. And to the previous commenter’s point, the S is really too expensive.</p>
<p>The MINI marketing that pops up on my screen these days is exclusively Countryman and outdoor adventure-oriented. It’s clearly what they’re pushing.</p>
<p>I’ve been holding off on a hardtop purchase for the LCI. Now that it seems like USA is going to get a watered down LCI, I think the declining sale will continue because people like me are waiting for stuff like DCT, and a proper LCI like the rest of the world is getting.</p>