As one of the very first automotive blogs in the world back in 2002, MotoringFile has been tweaked, redesigned and even rethought many times over the years. But rarely has it undergone such transformation as you see today.

We’re proud to announce that has been thoroughly redesigned and upgraded. Not only is there a new front-end design, but we’re also on a new much faster and more stable back-end as well.

The overall design and experience is oriented towards both easier navigation as well as a better view at a wider collection of subjects and stories. With 18 years of content it’s important that we are constantly serving up something new and interesting to both daily and new readers alike. The new design places an emphasis on finding content by generation as well key subjects that we know you love. But there’s also a more powerful search and other tools that let you dig deep into the archives.

Your feedback helped us (and will continue to help) in tweaking the site and the overall experience. To that point look for further tweaks in the coming days to further refine the experience. 

Go ahead. Kick the tires a bit. And then come back here and lets us know what you think.