White Roof Radio 679: The F Car has Brought the Enthusiasm Back
MTTS2022 updates that we all know you guys have been jonesin’ for and a lot of talk about community and enthusiasm. If you haven’t done a MINI event in a while, you should. It is really coming back in a very big way! We also get an update from Todd about his JCW Countryman. Look around and you can find the photo of Todd’s new F60 in the garage with his R59. It’s cool!
And, yes, White Roof Radio is now listener supported! Not only that, but EVERYONE now has access to Black Roof Radio! All of this happens at buymeacoffee.com. Click over to download the latest episode of Black Roof, 100% free of charge. If you want to help support us, you can do that at the same time, on the same site!