White Roof Radio 693: Since Todd Already Bought One

After a 2 week delay that was 100% my fault, I am proud to deliver the latest episode of White Roof Radio. Getting started with news and MINIUSA on again off again manual transmission status is finally updated, for reals, to no longer offering a manual transmission on any of the models. Of course, details on getting one can be found at MotoringFile.
Gabe also just wrapped up his stint with a good MINI with a terrible name. Maybe the worst named MINI in the history of MINI; The Untamed Edition. The short version you hear, for the full review, including video, can also be found at MF. By the way, Untamed is worse than Untold, don’t listen to two weeks ago db, he was wrong.
Moving on, we all agree that the R53 is the G.O.A.T. Chad does school us on some gotchas that can come along with owning an old MINI. Gabe is looking really hard at getting an R53, but that could change. What do you think he should get?
Special thanks to the extra technical info provided by Chad! Are you looking for the sunroof drain fix? Detroit Tuned has your covered!
From the archives, when we talked to Randy Webb during Woofcast 9 when Todd learned what adiabatic expansion was. By following that link, you will find that episode 9 has been restored! And, as mentioned, you really can’t beat watching James May reassemble anything, especially a Honda Monkey. This is worth the 45 minutes.