An old maxim states ‘necessity is the mother of invention.’ This statement sums up the MINI aftermarket succinctly. Once the first-generation cars were unleashed on an unsuspecting automotive industry, an enthusiast following...
This story comes to us from MotoringFile contributor Brendan. I met TonyB two years ago through North American Motoring and we’ve kept in touch sporadically since then. I bought my current suspension...
MINI aftermarket company CravenSpeed is most famous for its system of mounting auxiliary gauges to the tachometer. This provides the driver with additional information like volts or boost that stock gauges don’t...
Software Engineer Matt Thorne is prepping his industrial robot scribblybot for a special exhibition at BMW Plant Oxford on September 12th. Between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM, all messages...
Given the debut this week of the revised JCW, it seemed an appropriate time to take a step back and talk about the JCW line and how MINI could create something truly...
On June 7th, MINI USA threw down the gauntlet. Publishing a one-page ad in The New York Times at the same time as publishing a video on YouTube and their Facebook page,...