Mini Meet East 2004

Here's a question I got via email from a Tim Sipples yesterday: I'm planning to go to Mini Meet East near Montreal. Do you know of anyone else going from Chicago? Just...

Indy F1 Trackday Event Photos

Wow! What an event. Not only did we have almost 20 MINIs on the track but we had the presidents of three area clubs in attendance as well. Thanks to Dreyer &...

The MINI AUX Radio Port is Here!

From MINIUSA: “Once again, you asked, and we're delivering. The new auxiliary audio input accessory kit is now available at your dealer. Be the first on your block. Questions? Call us at...

Who's Going to Indy?

A couple of us from Chicago will be meeting early Sunday morning in downtown Chicago and driving down for the IMS F1 Trackday event. Is there anyone else from the Chicago area...

JCW Kit Reviewed by Normalizer

[UPDATE] Here's another JCW review by Norm after his first five days with the car Some initial impressions by someone who has owned an MCS for almost a year and is a...