White Roof Radio #427

In case you missed it, AMVIV starts this week! We give you a complete preview of what’s happening at this year’s event after I school Todd on desert weather (it’s going to...

MF at A MINI Vacation in Vegas 2012

For those not playing along with WhiteRoofRadio, I will be attending this year’s AMVIV. It will be my first time at the iconic MINI event as well as my first time to...

MotoringFile Heads to AMVIV

We’re going to be bringing the site and the podcast to you live from fabulous Las Vegas over the next few days as we head to into town for MINI Vacation in...

White Roof Radio #324

Now here is a show for you lovers of the long shows! Todd and I are joined by Gabe Bridger and Chad Miller (from Detroit Tuned) to talk about MINI stuff like...

AMVIV 7 Update

New update from Andrew ‘Agro’ Ross about AMVIV7, happening March 25th – 28th, 2010. In case you missed it, we actually talked to Agro during Woof 308 so you can go back...

White Roof Radio #290

A live show tonight! Thanks to everyone that made it, apologies to those of you that missed it. And yes, for the record, Todd was wearing pants. AMVIV is just about a...

AMVIV6 Update

If MTTS is finished, it must mean it’s time to start thinking about A MINI Vacation in Vegas. Sure, it’s still 8 months away, but it’s never too earlier to start planning...