MINI United 2012 Scheduled for May 12th?

While MINI hasn’t officially announced anything, an eagle eyed reader has found that Circuit Paul Recard (long known to be the host for 2012) has it listed under 2012 events. The site...

MINI United Postponed Until Summer 2012

A little birdie informed us this early this morning and now MINI United official Facebook site has confirmed it. MINI United will not be taking place this summer as originally planned. Instead...

MINI United Dates Leaked

We’ve just heard (and confirmed) that MINI United will be held on August 26th – 28th. The location (as announced last week) will be somewhere in the South of France.

MINI United 2011 Update: Location

For those of you that aren’t following along with the MINI United updates on Facebook, they have just announced the location, but no date. >2011: This just in! It’s officially happening in...

Breaking: MINI United 2011 Announced

The announcement has been made on MINI United’s official Facebook page. No details are available yet and no we can’t spill anything (yet). But we can tell you it’ll be a little...

White Roof Radio #297, Part 2

Todd and I take the time to completely recap the drunken debauchery that was MINI United 2009. The things we saw, the things we did, including driving Silverstone circuit. Yes, that Silverstone....

MINI United 2009: Udo Mark Interview

At MIN United Todd got the opportunity to catch up with Udo Mark, the technical coordinator of the MINI Challenge world-wide. Details on the Challenge car set ups, rules and differences between...