MINIs Take the States on MotoringFile

If you haven’t noticed MTTS is now underway and MotoringFile will be featuring daily updates from Todd (the ever popular MF contributor and WRR host) who is crossing the US in a...

MTTS Event Update: Dallas

For those of you continuing on into Texas, Metroplex MINI has put together a flyer for their car wash event and some helpful maps to help you navigate through Dallas to their...

First GP Accident!

OH NO! Doug Daniels hit the mother of all pot holes and did a bit of damage to his new baby. The damage is minor and nobody his hurt. Fireball Tim calls...

GP Delivery Day Audio

(Posted by Todd at Monterey) As you all know Friday was delivery day for 32 lucky GP owners in Monterey. I was able to capture some interviews with a few of the...

MTTS Monterey Pictures

We’ve got a few photos of today’s MTTS activities via Todd (of Whiteroofradio fame and frequent MF contributor). He has just picked up his GP and is currently at Leguna Seca soaking...

MTTS Coverage – Day 1

Todd and the other soon-to-be GP owners have arrived safely in Monterey! Of course they are already living the good life with a dinner with the MINIUSA execs. I was able to...

MTTS Registration Closes Today!

MTTS registration closes today. So that means if you’re considering participating in one of the many events associated with MTTS and haven’t registered, you have until Monday at noon to do so....