This week’s show went so long that we broke it into two. First we have this weeks news. Then in the second of this week’s podcast we get to the featured interview...
By popular demand Randy Webb is back! Randy discusses some upcoming home-grown Webb Motorsports products and general MINI info. Highly recommended for anyone interested in learning a little bit more about performance...
We’re short one this week but DB and I make up for it with a topic that everyone seems to haven an opinion on; brakes. We chat about everything from fluid upgrades,...
The big THREE-OH! Todd and Gabe go on without db this week but have some help as we’ve got the organizers of “A MINI Vacation in Vegas” on this week. We chat...
This week on the Whiteroofradio podcast we discuss some of our 2006 planned modifications. Todd tells us why FM modulators are evil (DB and I nod in agreement). And I ask why...
Whiteroofradio is back this week with our last show for 2005. This week we critic the new US based MINI magazine content and design and find some room for improvement. We also...
Whiteroofradio soldiers on without me this week. In fact they’ve got a couple of special guests in this edition. Michael Babischkin takes my place this week and Fireball Tim joins the group...
Whiteroofradio is back with a new Podcast this week. In this latest show we go in-depth on last week’s stories from MotorginFile. We also hit the finer points of the recent MotoringFile...
With the recent Thanksgiving holiday in the US we’ve decided to take the week off and instead give you a short outtakes show. So if you want to hear fascinating MINI insights...
This week’s podcast features a very special from the online MINI world. Mark Ferguson from NAM spent over an hour on the show with us this week. While we naturally chatted about...