For those giving MINI related gifts this year, the day is getting close at hand! And in an effort to help those that may have missed it, here the 2005 MotoringFile Holiday...
Updated: I’m pleased to report that we now have well over 500 600 700 readers listed on the MotoringFile Reader Map! That makes it easily the biggest online MINI owner map in...
Another reminder from your friendly MotoringFile moderator. For those using MotoringFile RSS (either via a web-based service like Yahoo or a standalone app) you need to update your feeds. That means you...
Once in awhile we like to give an overall thanks to the people and the companies that make MotoringFile possible. As I often say, if you want to support the site, support...
We’re happy to announce the launch of the MotoringFile MINI Club Mappr. When we looked at our previous MIN club links page we realized some improvements were needed. First off the page...
If you haven’t taken a look (or joined!) the MotoringFile Frappr website, you may want to check it out. 414 people from all parts of the world have chimed in with messages...
Since it’s Thanksgiving today, (in the US at least) I thought I’d offer up a quick thank you to all the readers and contributors that have supported MotoringFile over the last three...
MotoringFile’s main computer, my generally trusty Apple Powerbook, has just had its IBM internal hard drive recently turn to dust. This means that all MF and personal files from August onward (the...
Curious where everyone from MotoringFile hails from? Check out the official MotoringFile Frappr site and start map’n! [ MotoringFile Frappr ] Frappr And look for something map related and much cooler coming...