MotoringFile Server Move Complete

With the help of some strong coffee and an army of MacBooks, our move to a new host is complete. However it’s worth mentioning that a handful of you will probably not...

Site Downtime Scheduled for Tonight

Update: Things are progressing nicely. If you can see this message that means your ISP has updated your DNS and things are good to go. MotoringFile will be down starting around 8pm...

MINI Survey #2

Hey, we’re all busy. Sometimes there’s just not time in the day to take a five minute survey – even if it is about MINIs. That’s why we’re reposting the survey we...

MINI Survey Time

Recently we were approached with Klaus Römer, a business student at Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz, Germany with an idea for a survey. As part of his dissertation, Klaus asked if we’d be...

MotoringFile Live at AMVIV

Vegas baby, Vegas. Yes MotoringFile (both DB and myself) will be at AMVIV this weekend. Along with Todd we’ll be bringing you the latest in AMVIV audio on both and

Announcing the MotoringFile Photo Contest

Back in [July of aught-six](/2006/07/23/motoringfile-flickr-photo-group/), we introduced a new [MotoringFile group on Flickr]( to encourage our readers to post their own photos of MINIs, events, and MINI-related stuff. Since then we've had nearly 200 Flickring MotoringFile readers join us and have seen some beautiful and inspiring pictures. Now we want to see more.

US Press Launch of the R56 This Weekend

MINI USA’s press launch of the US Spec 2007 Cooper and Cooper S is taking place in Arizona this weekend and I’ll be leaving the frozen tundra of Chicago to experience it....

MotoringFile Sponsor Shout-outs

Time again to say thanks to the fine folks who pay the bills for us here at MotoringFile. We’d also like to give a special MF welcome to Alta MINI Performance. From...

MotoringFile 2006 Year in Review

Okay so we’ve been busy in 2006. Between Db, myself and all the frequent MF contributors posting reviews, news etc, we have had well over 600 stories about the MINI, related accessories...