
Despite a few delays, The Gift Guide is indeed back just in time for the holidays. The 2005 MotoringFile Holiday MINI Gift Guide packs all of our old favorites plus a few new ones. From apparel to armrests, we’ve tried to include a cross section of accessories available for the MINI and the MINI enthusiast. Like last year we’ve created the gift guide as a downloadable PDF for easy off-line viewing and printing. It’s also easier this way to print out slip to someone for gift ideas.

As usual the gift guide is a free download. All that we ask is that you try to only download it once. You can download the file (compressed as a ZIP file) by clicking on the image above or the link below. Enjoy!

[ MotoringFile 2005 Holiday Gift Guide ] Zipped

Alternatively you can download the unzipped PDF file below. Please note that this will open within Internet Explorer and Safari. To save to your computer you’ll want to right click on the link.

[ MotoringFile 2005 Holiday Gift Guide ] PDF

Note: to view the gift guide PDF you must either have a Apple Computer with OSX or Adobe Acrobat installed (Preview is installed by default on Macs w/OSX) or a Windows PC with Adobe Acrobat. You can download Adobe Acrobat here.