All very well. I’m sure it makes a splendid noise in the garage. But what will it do on the track? Does whompin’ great horsepower really equal lower lap times? I mean, I enjoy a nice oiled-up bodybuilding show as much as the next guy. I just like to see them run as well.
Nice job guys. Oh, and I like your name ;-).
I think I shat myself a little 😉
Wow! That’s crazy! We have lift-off!
Holy Cow! Nice one!!! Traction problems? Just a little, eh?
All very well. I’m sure it makes a splendid noise in the garage. But what will it do on the track? Does whompin’ great horsepower really equal lower lap times? I mean, I enjoy a nice oiled-up bodybuilding show as much as the next guy. I just like to see them run as well.
I think Sid just called out Fireballed. I, for one, would like to see this do a lap!
Is this the new JCW?