Starting with Mr. Bridgar being on TV. Yea, that Fox team really butchared his name! You can check the link in yesterday’s show notes. Oh yea, Todd is the segue doctor, NOT the date doctor.
Did you know that crotch level shot is called the Batman angle? Looking for that cool video? You can see it here or follow the link below to the shownotes.
Gabe also talks about the book in which he and Motoringfile were mentioned, which rolled nicely into tonights topic.
We discuss the MINI Community. Pretty much all of it.
Oh yea. Big news here and at Motoringfile next Monday. I’m sorry, I have already said too much.
You big tease.
Gabe – can you go into more detail about your driving experience of the M coupe? How does the MINI compare/feel similar or different? Thanks!
Well that’s one vote for a review. Anyone else? I’m dying to write one.
I think a review would be awesome!
Does my vote count?
Do it do it! 🙂
motion carried.
Okay… court dismissed. I’ll work on a short write-up in between Cubs/Cardinals games this weekend.