We’ve given MF a makeover in a couple of key ways. With this latest release we’ve dramatically widened the site to better house images and video within the main content area. This means you can see all those beautiful images how they were meant to be seen, big. And we can now show video at a full 640 px wide. Also look for an entire new collection of header images as we’ve revamped almost all of them to coincide with this new release.
We’ll be working on further upgrades in the coming weeks and months. Of course if you have any feedback regarding these changes or suggestions for new ones, let us know below or on the contact page.
Oh and if you see a few things broken, let us know. While most of everything should be updated, there are a few corners of the site that will take an extra day or two.
<p>it looks to me like the banner is bigger, but the actual content is the same size as always. not sure if i’m missing it or it’s not working.</p>
<p>The content area went from 468 px to 640 px.</p>
<p>So for instance, here’s how an image would have looked before the upgrade:</p>
<p>Oh wait, it doesn’t let me edit my above post… but I found the chevron… behind the text. Sorry, I missed it at first with all the shades of grey in the image! Ok now it’s cool :D</p>
<p>Looks great on my 27 inch iMac. Looks terrible on my 13 inch Macbook – but hey 😛 I also think MF and BF would work better as two column sites…three columns is overkill and is what’s driving the extra width needed inside the main content area.</p>
<p>“Gabe… nice to see that I now know I’m at MOTORINGFILE!… ;-)</p>
<p>Funny you noticed that. I actually created several different designs for the header and my plan was to try them out and various times throughout the week. Here’s the first:</p>
<p>i like the second one. i feel the picture is more important than the site name. if you’re here in the first place you probably know the site name.</p>
<p>i did like how you could scroll through the pictures without clicking through to the entire story and that it was hotlinked to the flickr account. is that feature being removed for good…?</p>
<p>Very nice!
Thanks for keeping up and evolving MotoringFile. It fuels my MINI passion since years.</p>
<p>Love the new look, but I miss the Chevron.</p>
<p>it looks to me like the banner is bigger, but the actual content is the same size as always. not sure if i’m missing it or it’s not working.</p>
<p>i like the “articles by mini model” pulldown. that’s a nice touch.</p>
<p>it looks to me like the banner is bigger, but the actual content is the same size as always. not sure if i’m missing it or it’s not working.</p>
<p>The content area went from 468 px to 640 px.</p>
<p>So for instance, here’s how an image would have looked before the upgrade:</p>
<p><a href="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2465/3859074134_ba8ce54578_b.jpg" rel="lightbox[MINI]" title="MINI Roadster" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2465/3859074134_ba8ce54578_b.jpg" style="width:460px;" /></a></p>
<p>And this is how they’ll look from now on…</p>
<p><a href="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2465/3859074134_ba8ce54578_b.jpg" rel="lightbox[MINI]" title="MINI Roadster" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2465/3859074134_ba8ce54578_b.jpg" style="width:640px;" /></a></p>
<p>weird, i came back and it looks wider now. not sure what happened the first time but it looks good now!</p>
<p>very nice – glad that MF has the same wider layout as BF now</p>
<p>Very nice overall look. Keep up the good work, guys.</p>
<p>Looks really good.</p>
<p>Had to reload to get the new layout. If you aren’t seeing it as described, try that first.</p>
<p>Good going, Gabe.</p>
<p>I miss the chevron in the logo too, Richard.</p>
<p>I like the wider pictures though! :)</p>
<p>Oh wait, it doesn’t let me edit my above post… but I found the chevron… behind the text. Sorry, I missed it at first with all the shades of grey in the image! Ok now it’s cool :D</p>
<p>Looks nice.. but netbook screens are 1024×600. Maybe shrink it to 600 for compensation?</p>
<p>Looks good… nice work! Any chance of seeing a mobile variant of MF in future (for us iPhone surfers)?</p>
<p>Excellent revision! I love the new header, and the typography, as usual, is elegantly handled. Well done Gabe!</p>
<p>New MotoringFile layout = hotness</p>
<p>Very nice, Gabe!</p>
<p>Great job. Love the site. You guys are the best.</p>
<p>Now — just put that coupe in my garage ;o)</p>
<p>Like the page layout, don’t like the header / MOTORINGFILE text. But just my opinion – apparently most here do like it!</p>
<p>Looks great on my 27 inch iMac. Looks terrible on my 13 inch Macbook – but hey 😛 I also think MF and BF would work better as two column sites…three columns is overkill and is what’s driving the extra width needed inside the main content area.</p>
<p>Gabe… I missed this post and commented elsewhere on the new look.</p>
<p>“Gabe… nice to see that I now know I’m at <strong>MOTORINGFILE!</strong>… ;-)</p>
<p>BTW… The Chevron is still there.</p>
<p>“Gabe… nice to see that I now know I’m at MOTORINGFILE!… ;-)</p>
<p>Funny you noticed that. I actually created several different designs for the header and my plan was to try them out and various times throughout the week. Here’s the first:</p>
<p><a href="https://www.motoringfile.com/img/17b.jpg" rel="lightbox[MINI]" title="MINI Roadster" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://www.motoringfile.com/img/17b.jpg" style="width:640px;" /></a></p>
<p>The second version has just gone live:</p>
<p><a href="https://www.motoringfile.com/img/header_900/_0014_15.jpg" rel="lightbox[MINI]" title="MINI Roadster" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://www.motoringfile.com/img/header_900/_0014_15.jpg" style="width:640px;" /></a></p>
<p>So far I prefer the 2nd version as it allows the photography to take more precedent. Thoughts?</p>
<p>1st one is the best though I think a combo of the 2 would work.</p>
<p>I’m a typography guy so I like the first one better. Definitely more interesting with the tight kerning.</p>
<p>i like the second one. i feel the picture is more important than the site name. if you’re here in the first place you probably know the site name.</p>
<p>i did like how you could scroll through the pictures without clicking through to the entire story and that it was hotlinked to the flickr account. is that feature being removed for good…?</p>
<p>2.0 works better for me.</p>