In about an hour a nice man will drop off a grey MINI in our driveway. Thunder grey. The JCW GP represents the pinnacle of the brand in many ways. But what...
What you’re looking at are the first photos of the electric JCW GP as it begins testing for possible production. The shocking photos show a GP based prototype with several tell-tale signs...
We love these guys. Sure some of the data isn’t quite right. But on the whole they give an excellent view of how the JCW GP performs in the Canyons of California....
No not sell for profit. Flip on its roof and back over. On accident. In your own backyard. Yes this actually happened and it’s all caught with multiple GoPros. Youtube star Pog...
One of the JCW GP reviews we’ve been waiting for is here and it’s raising some eyebrows. Unfortunately the new JCW GP received a very disappointing three star score in Autocar’s well...
It was tantalizingly close yet not to be. In 2012 MINI was hard and work finalizing the JCW GP Coupe. Based on the excellent F56 JCW GP, the Coupe version promised greater...
For those who struck out trying to get on the list or simply need four seats, MINI has launched a John Cooper Works GP Pack for the standard JCW. The concept is...
The MINI JCW GP has landed and the coveted 0001 numbered car has been delivered. Thanks to his contest video submission, MINI USA gave Nick Tubbs of Ithaca, N.Y the honor of...
While COVID has slow the roll-out of the 2020 MINI JCW GP, initial deliveries are just starting to hit showrooms throughout Europe. To coincide with this MINI has released a an in-depth...
In an alternate universe without COVID-19 we’d be on our way to Spain shortly to drive the 2020 JCW GP on the track and the beautiful backroads of Mallorca. Instead, we’re left...