And a little more. The latest issue of Autocar gives us a glimpse at what could be a slightly longer new MINI. Here's an excerpt:
These exclusive shots show an engineering prototype undergoing early road tests. The extent of the stretch can be seen for the first time from the modications made to the bodywork behind the rear wheels.
It would have been too expensive and time consuming to stretch the MINI's wheelbase (as well as requiring costly changes to the production line), so it appears that the little extra length has been grafted in behind the rear wheels in an attempt to improve on the car's dire boot space.
Also later in the same article there's a mention of what we may see from JCW on the next MINI:
Sources have told Autocar that the Works version of the blown Cooper (S) engine should be good for 230bhp.
Now before everyone recoils in horror at the thought of a larger MINI, let's remember Autocar's track record with this type of information. For all we know this could be the formative testing of a long wheel base MINI or even something else entirely different. In fact the only thing that we can know for sure from these photos (which probably are more informative than Autocar's actual article) is that MINI engineers seem to like their testing mules painted as black as possible.
You can read the entire article in the 1/11/05 edition of Autocar available throughout the UK.
<p>It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black. – Nigel Tufnel</p>
<p>Could the boot extension have nothing to do with “improving boot space” and instead be an attempt to meet WRC regulations so they can enter a secret AWD Mini in rally races? One could only hope…</p>
<p>The boot is no longer…the hatch door is in the same place; the bumper is simply thicker and the taillights/rear fenders are carried through to match it. No functional purpose except for better rear crashworthiness and a lot of ugly. I'm sure it's just some experimental thing.</p>
<p>Josh – I'm guessing that we're looking at a testing mule for the <strong>a</strong> next MINI of some kind with the new chassis underneath and the current body grafted onto it. I'm sure the end result will take advantage of the space.</p>
<p>It looks like extra bodywork added to disguise the changes. Maybe this is a mule to just test the new engine.</p>
<p>JCW 230bhp!!! Lovely!</p>
<p>In the actual magazine article pictures you can see that this car has got the 04 model lights with the reversing light in the bottom of the bumper so I think Gabe is right when he says that this is just a testing mule for the new engine and chassis. I wouldn't pay any attention to the rear styling at all. There is one point of interest in the article though, there is a front view of this car in the magazine and you can quite clearly see a much higher bonnet line with a differently profiled bonnet which is likely to be to meet the new european pedestrian safety regulations that will be coming into force.</p>
<p>“Could the boot extension have nothing to do with “improving boot space” and instead be an attempt to meet WRC regulations so they can enter a secret AWD Mini in rally races? One could only hope…”</p>
<p>I agree!!</p>
<p>AWD is not a priority for a WRC programm. Look Ford, Peugeot, Citroen. Theire are any model with 4WD…</p>
<p>I say, make “Test Mule Black” a color option!</p>
<p>Ahhh, looks like Bangle is trying to bring back the Wolsley!</p>
<p>Gabe, is there any way you can make that picture bigger?</p>
<p>unfortunately I don't have the mag infront of me right now.</p>
<p>I laugh at all the remarks people have for a car that is still a long way from becoming real. We are still at least a year from seeing anything that might look like the new MINI. BMW/MINI is not going to show their hand yet.<br />
I understand that here in Chicago it is cold and we have nothing better to do right now than to dream about our next new MINI. Just wait, everything will work out.</p>
<p>WRC will need all the cars they can get with Peugeot and Citroen…PSA…pulling out at the end of the year and with the rumors about Ford.</p>
<p>I'm with Josh on this one.</p>
<p>Ah yes the Riley Elf and the Wolsley Hornet. Two fine examples of British car making.</p>
<p>Again….Autocar = severe lack of journalism. Why does anyone read this tripe? It really angers me to see this stuff thrown about like it's in any way factual.</p>
<p>James – I hope you're not referring to this site in your comment. I think we were pretty straightforward with our assessment of the info and Autocar's track record. We're trying to leave it up to the individual to decided what they want.</p>
<p>Gabe — I think that he was just referring to the Autocar article. I sure hope the next MINI is no bigger or if they must, then only a little bigger. Now I would not mind it being a little bigger if they could add all wheel drive, though.</p>
<p>Oh yeah – you're probably right. I read the comment a little too quickly. Like I said before I personally think that the photos tell more than the article.</p>
<p>We can only ASSUME as much as the questionable mag can.</p>
<p>I will not reveal my ASSuptions here…. </p>
<p>Oh, and judging by the photo (photoshopped?) it looks like the rear quarters are extended also, including the rear lights. Fender plastic trim is also part of the fender. Observations, not opinion, but it's very uneven … could make one believe it's been tossed around the Adobe.</p>
<p>It's got the same butt end as my CRV. The cute-ute Mini! </p>
<p>It just lacks an external rear mounted spare.</p>
<p>I'm going to go against the trend here and stand up for Autocar.
I've subsribed to them for years now because they are one of the few car magazines here in the UK that actually gets things right. I'm not saying they are 100% accurate but they are a lot better than the rubbish you see in other magazines. 9 times out of 10 they get there information and their photoshoped images pretty much spot on. This is why you tend to find a copy of Autocar in any car dealer you walk into in the UK. They also host the most prestigous and respected automotive award ceremony in the UK every year.
In this article all they do is speculate, as we all do when we see a spy shot, and if you see the original article you can see the photos have not been fiddled with by photoshop. The only thing they claim to have come from inside sources is that the new works would have 230bhp which no one here is complaining about.
Lets stop knocking people for doing their job and take the car in the photos for what it really is, mini trying to confuse us all by plastering a standard car with loads of plastic rubbish.</p>
<p>maybe i missunderstood what some of you guys and gals have written… but why would the car have to bigger than it currently is to fit awd??? (please do not explain to me the addition of added differentials, axels and drives shafts, as i have added awd to a non-awd to a vehicle before) what i am commenting on is the fact that getrag already made an awd car and it wasn't any bigger… (but perhaps they had to take out the back seat or something… just a posible rebutal to my own argument)</p>
<p>Thanks for listening!</p>
<p>I would guess that you anwered your own query.
I believe, in order to add the awd, and not lose tooooo much space, the extension would keep it 4 passenger friendly.</p>
<p>and another bit of info…
I've heard MINI has NO (ZERO, ZILCH, NONE) interest in wrc competition. Even if they fit the vehicle requirement.
That is not to say that we won't see a mini in the wrc though, just not a factory sponsored MINI.
this has neither been confirmed nor denied.</p>
<p>I tend not to believe any of these photos unless I see Prince Harry driving it dressed as a Nazi.</p>
<p>I found this picture of a future mini with new headlights. I actually like it!</p>
<p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>Sorry – link</p>
<p>BRG – actually that was covered awhile back and it's since been determined that the next MINI will not look much like that…. specifically the Merc-like headlights.</p>
<p>I still like it so 😛
<p>You can find the original story and converstaion here: <a href=""><em>shock</em>for<em>new</em>mini</a></p>
<p>All kabitzing aside, I'm sure that underneath that bulbous bumper armour lurks a new bumper style. The difference in the 2005 bumper to the previous was, in my opinion, an improvement. I look forward to seeing what's being hidden.</p>