Ah yes Cnet, the place to go when you’re researching a printer, finding a low price on a router, and when you want to see some video of the MINI Concept. As crazy as it sounds they actually do a decent job. Check it out at the link below:
[ MINI Does a Wagaon 45 Years Later ] Cnet
<p>Very interesting to see some of these ideas in MOTION! Love the rear windows!</p>
<p>Whoa! Did you see the moving internal headlight covers?! I have not heard anyone mention them before. Those are cool even for a show car. I don’t know why you would need them but they are still cool. I bet they drove the engineers nuts with all those moving parts.</p>
<p>Other than those…Nice. I now want one. In some bright in your face color. Like Corvette yellow with a black top.</p>
<p>btw thank to Angelo for the tip.</p>
<p>Hey, great vid! Where are the auto mags on this kind of presentation? Cnet has done this kind of thing on a regular basis, so I would think the gearheads could figure this out, too.</p>
<pre><code> BCNU,
Rob in Dago
<p>You’re welcome Gabe.</p>
<p>Like Mini2Go, I found it interesting to see the concept in motion. It seems much more finished in video than what the pictures showed.</p>
<p>Wonder how much will ever get into production?</p>
<p>Warming up to the front of the car a little more.</p>
<p>The electric stuff seems really slow to react especially the “Secret” compartment. </p>
<p>I wonder if it will be a RF tire vehicle or have one of those skanky little spares?</p>
<p>I also wonder how stiff they can make the frame with what I see as pretty open frame architecture without a major weight gain?</p>
<p>I didn’t really love the concept until I saw this video. MINI’s practical and beautiful designs are really highlighted well in this little overview.</p>
<p><strong>RB</strong> In response to your wondering about the RF tire, if you can use the new 3-series BMW as anything to judge by, it will likely be RF. BMW appears committed to eliminating the spare tire and considers the RF a safety feature.</p>
<p>Eh, whatever. I can see both sides. I personally hope the new-technology <em>airless</em> tires make it to market sooner than the 7-10 years (if I remember correctly) they are currently projecting.</p>
<p>Hey I love the car, but what impressed me most was the quality of the video presentation. And they got all the facts right too. </p>
<p>The MotorWeek TV show, (frozen in time in terms of production quality back about 1981), could really learn a thing or two from CNET.</p>
<p>Hmmmn I liked it until I saw this. The face really looks like a guppy. The trunk secret hiding place would be better as a one touch, I would hope that the rear windows would be operable from the front. </p>
<p>Spinning spedometer? Didn’t see it. Where?</p>
<p>The Airless tire the<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.fastcoolcars.com/airless-tires.htm">Tweel</a></p>