There’s been some confusion recently about when the MINI Traveller will actually debut. Based on a few sources we had been reporting that it will arrive in late 2007 as an ’08 model. However some recent remarks by Dr. Michael Ganal (member of the Board of Management responsible for sales and marketing for BMW) seemingly contradicted that. While describing the new MINI Concept Detroit he made this statement:

>A similar series vehicle will be on the road within the next three years.

A quick count of the fingers brings us to 2009. So what has happened? Has MINI really pushed the debut back an extra year? What we’re hearing from sources is that the resounding answer is no. Apparently MINI is still on track for an introduction of around two years rather than three. That again would put it squarely within the late 2007 time period that we’ve been mentioning for a year now. So hang-tight Traveller fans, your car is on its way.