(Written by Michael Smith)
>A parade of cars nearly two miles long is a lot of cars, especially when it’s made up of the shortest car in America, the MINI Cooper. At noon on June 17th over two hundred will make up that parade as they motor through the fabled twisties of the Kancamagus Scenic Byway in the White Mountains of New Hampshire during the fourth annual MINIs on Top. At 7:30 after BBQ and speeches the parade resumes, climbing the Mt. Washington Auto Road over a mile into the sky to fill the highest parking lot in the Northeast in time for sunset. The schedule of the events is certain, but what they will be able to see from each vantage point is in question.
>New Hampshire put on her best face for the first year. Postcard perfect views of the setting sun capped the day 70 MINIs enjoyed that inaugural weekend and made the event an unexpected success. In 2004 winds gusting to 97mph nearly blew away the 168 cars that climbed to the top and inflated the enthusiasm enough for those attending to spread the word helping last year’s event grow to 230 registered vehicles. A dense cloud shrouded the mountain dropping a few inches of rain on those below while shortening the view to a few feet for those on top and still spirits were not dampened. The rapid response to this year’s MINIs on Top registration bodes continued growth according to Ian Cull, event coordinator for 2006.
>The weather has already become a subject of major speculation. Since hurricane winds and torrential downpours have proved to be no deterrent to a successful MINIs on Top drivers are contemplating what they will make their MINIs endure this year. The guessing game has included everything from snow to sun. The weather plays a big part in setting the cross-country tempo for some driving from as far away as Wyoming. But once they have arrived the chances of being well rewarded are phenomenal.
>Each year, besides being one heck of a MINI good time meeting friends and showing off mods, the MINIs on Top community shows its heart by benefiting a charity from monies raised from the sale of badges, tee-shirts and hats. This year the beneficiary is the Massachusetts Make-a-Wish Foundation who will also benefit from two additional special raffles to be drawn during the event; one featuring a two year lease of a Solar Red MINI Cooper donated by Herb Chambers MINI of Boston and the other a John Cooper Works performance upgrade and installation by MINI of Peabody. Each is valued at over $6000. According to Make-a-Wish it takes around $5000 to grant a child’s wish. The wish gives the child a chance to focus on something beyond their present medical condition and through the incredible generosity of these two dealers MINIs on Top could grant a couple of wishes! Tickets for each raffle are $25 each and limited to 250 and are available at the respective dealership or through MINIs on Top www.minisontop.com.
>Though you need not be present to win those two incredible prizes there are rewards reserved exclusively to those who registered and are present under the big top at the base of Mt Washington. Everything from detailing kits to mp3 players and scarves to custom trailers will be won by raffle. Each registrant receives five tickets to place on the item(s) of their desire. As attendance has grown so has the interest of those selling MINI related items and services. A decision was made early on that MINIs on Top would stay true to the big family picnic it began as and not become a sales carnival. The raffles have become a way show off the latest toys and loud cheers and good-natured jeers always accompany winners chosen from the post BBQ crowd.
>Everybody who attends MINIs on Top will leave with something. Maybe not the 15% pulley you wished for, but the great feelings of helping grant the wish of a child; having met new friends; and a deep appreciation of the vagaries of New England weather.
Michael, well done! I attended my first MoT last year and despite the slippery trek up to the top (although it was enjoyable smelling clutches burning trying to make that last steep, wet grade to the parking lot) I’ll be back this year. The camaraderie of the folks who attend and are involved in this event (and other MINI events) is astonishing.
I’d also encourage other first-timers to take the observatory tour; not only do you get to go up early you are able to partake in a very interesting tour of the facilities.
I would like to point out that registration is open for only a few more days, and there are still a few spots left for heading up mt. washington. If you aren’t interested in climbing the mountain or it fills up, there are still plenty of other MINI activities for the day and weekend, but you must still register. Again see minisontop.com.
mwsmith that was an excellent writeup!
i’ve got to get up there to my fourth, this year!
My g/f and I can’t wait to go to MOT06! It will be her first time and my second.
Here is a great shot I took last year when I was MOT05
<a href="http://home.comcast.net/~minilifecrisis/images/MOT_MtW_web.jpg" rel="nofollow ugc">http://home.comcast.net/~minilifecrisis/images/MOT_MtW_web.jpg</a>
PHL to MOT or Bust!
Here is the link again, it broke when it got posted:
<a href="http://home.comcast.net/~minilifecrisis/images/MOT_MtW_web.jpg" rel="nofollow">MOT Photo</a>
I can’t attend MOT this year – but last year was a BLAST and I highly reccfommend it to everyone!
This will be my MOT and we’re looking forward to it! Coming from lower NY.