We answer some listener voicemails, I say 13th when I meants to say 23rd and Vanwall asks for us to put everything together on a DVD from our MTTS coverage.
Plus, news of the week. A bit of a new way, let us know what you think.
Would you like to be able to have a DVD of our MTTS coverage? All of the audio and possibly some pictures? Let us know in the comments below.
another great show guys
Great show, but you guys are cutting each other off (DB!). I wonder why Todd doesn’t just park in the garage in the first place.
Bring on the DVD!
could the dvd be available for us in the uk please?
I don’t see why not.
I’m going to be working on this later in the week and will post about it over at Whiteroofradio as soon as I figure it out.
Idea for MTTS 2008. Instead of a zigzag across the USA, have the map route spell out “M I N I”?