What you see below is an early version of the the official MINI USA MTTS recap. Filmed at produced for BSSP and MINI USA by Rehab, this video does a great job of capturing the MTTS spirit that made the coast to coast trip so special. If you’re a MINI fan at all you need to find ten minutes and watch this video. It’s that good.
Phenominal – such a great short movie that really captures the spirit. I listened to all the WRR podcasts during MTTS but this takes it to another level. Lets hope Mini UK/Europe does something similar 🙂
Amazing, I wish we could organize something like this in South Africa…but I doubt there are enough of us…
why are they considering Jersey City the last leg, or the end of MTTS? I thought that the event at Lime Rock was the last leg!!!
If Jersey City was the end, why was Lime Rock listed on all the advertisments, and why were there 500 MINI’s at Lime Rock, (including my own)? After all, MINI USA had a huge tent there, with several cars on display, (including a GP, and Tony Nuzzo’s race car), as well as a huge tent set up for MINI owners to get some free lunch at.
It was a good video, but I’m very disappointed that they didn’t show any Lime Rock footage!
Where can we get a real copy of this???
Sorry Indy isn’t shown.
Not all who wander are lost,
I totally agree with rakh1.
Great vid, great event! I also hope that MINI will do something similar in Europe.
Maybe around the launch of the new JCW?! 🙂
I really doon’t feel so bad about missing limerock this year if it was never really a part of MTTS. I’ll have a look at the poster when i get to work. Otherwise. Great video so far. unobtrusive music a plus.
This really helps one remember why our cars are so special.
Great… Now not only do I desperately want an 07 MCS, I want to take a month off work and drive it out west! Nice job Mini, MTTS participants and Rehab, you just cost me $28K. ;^)
Fun…but where’s Lime Rock??? Silly me – I thought that was the end. I realize they can’t include the whole trip, but seems like the end of the trip would qual;ify for inclusion!??
Gabe did say that this is an “early version” of the video. Maybe in the final cut they’ll have some Indy/Limerock footage.
Maybe they couldnt use Indy footage because the track wouldnt give them the rights?
I found it odd while in Jersey City that they were calling it the end, too. I suspect they were doing that because it was the last “night”, so it was the last hotel stop, etc.
But I agree – the end was Lime Rock. In fact, all of those lucky people who did the entire thing didn’t get their “I crossed the line” stamps in their book until Lime Rock.
Well I did not make the cut this time. Maybe in 08′;)
>Maybe they couldnt use Indy footage because the track wouldnt give them the rights?
Yeah I’ve heard that rumor as well.
Do we have code to this so I can post it directly in a blog?
Great video, really captured the spirit. Ian looked good in his interviews. 😉 I even spotted myself in a crowd scene.
Yes, the IMS management did not allow the MTTS crew to film recognizable landmarks at Indy. From what I was told, they even forced MINI to use their photographers for what was shot.
I do hope MINI makes a finished DVD available for those of us who participated.
I would also like to see a much longer version of the whole trip. If it was a DVD I would buy one, and I wasn’t even there.
Well, I’ll be doggone . . . My two scarf-clad MINIbull terriers, Jett & Lily, made the cut! I know that shot was made in the parade lap staging area at Indy, so I guess technically that’ll have to qualify as the “Speedway” shot. 😉
I’d say one reason for sure Lime Rock wasn’t included is because the film crew bailed after Jersey. After showing them how to open the MINI’s bonnet in the Hyatt lot, so they could remove the roof rig used for the ‘over the U-stripe’ hood shot, I learned from the crew as they packed up their gear that they’d only been contracted to film through the Jersey stage.
Think of all that lies on the cutting room floor . . . let’s hope for the EPIC version, coming soon to a theatre near you, 4+ hours, with intermission. 🙂
btw . . . you can see the full screen version on Google video now.
I’ve contacted Mr Stracco to see if a Euro DVD version is available in high quality. Fingers crossed
The guys at the factory here in Oxford will be very impressed
Come on Jeff you know you can do it … 🙂
…uhm well, BMW has taken LRP over – Lime Rock Park. So I’m puzzled by the lack of coverage too. I met a few folks from California, guys I shared writinf time with on NAM. would have been great to see theri cars going round the track or something.
great video. i loved it.
Great video! Glad to see we made the cut with our boy ‘Trooper Cooper’. NOTE: Appearing in this video is not an admission of guilt by any means. 😉 Looking forward to ’08.
Great video! Brought back some great memories. I hope a DVD will be available at some point. It would be fun to see some of the other video that I’m sure is on the cutting room floor. On the drive from Memphis to Nashville, our little group was filmed quite a bit by the “video van.” I’d love to have a copy of some of that footage, although I know that is next to impossible.
Hope this is not the final cut and the final is longer , their was much cut out.
Hey – we are in there!
At about 5:27 – right after the MINI lineup at the arch in St. Louis, there’s a shot of my wife, son, and me.
Our two seconds of fame. Cool!
I kind of agree with the analysis regarding the prohibition against using footage at Indy and Lime Rock. Laguna Seca was also left out, so that lends support.
Besides, Laguna Seca, while considered Monterey, was not the start of MTTS. Rather, it was more of a staging point, even though it’s an annual event sponsored by Rolex, much like Lime Rock.
Hey Gabe I have a pics from MTTS close up of the high speed camera and the cool set up BSSP used. Do you want to post it?
I can discribe this set up. Great guys to talk to.
This was a very nice production, I made it with my crazy hat and my “unoficcial” stickers. This really captures what owning a mini is all about. I hope they make a longer version of this teaser. As I remembered they did a lot of footage of me and my group in several locations trough out the journey.. defenetlly doing MTTS II when the times come. Bluezeke…I love the fact that your dogs made it into hte video..
i would love a copy for the uk
MY wife and son and I made it in too @ 0.55 sec. under the Umbrella WOOHoo….Thanks REHAB!!