What a year. In the past nine months MotorinBadges.com has sold over 3000 badges. We now offer more than 100 different badges and over 200 total products. And today we’re happy to announce our latest additions. These will most likely be the last new badges of 2006 and we think they round out the collection well.

But first let’s take a quick look at the new collection of badges:

Welsh Dragon: This is a take-off of our Welsh flag badge but with a bit more emphasis on the Welsh Dragon. Available in black/silver, red and white.

R52 Original Motorer Badge: For the owners of the soon to be classic R52 MINI Convertible. Show your pride and let the world know that you were ahead of the curve on this whole “MINI thing”. Available in black/silver, white and full on silver.

The MINI Bulldog: Long the symbol for our favorite little car, the bulldog has come to symbolize the MINI in it’s stance and attitude. Like the bulldog, the MINI may not be the biggest or fastest on the block. But it’s always hard to beat.

Peace/ US Flag: We’ve combined the classic peace symbol with the US flag. A classic symbol straight out of the classic Mini time period.

Classic Mini Cooper Badge: A logo that is well known in the classic community but little seen outside of it. This is the classic Cooper Badge that Minis have sported for years.

For those who are new to the MotoringFile magnetic badge scene, the badges are magnetic and designed to be used with MINI’s official grille badge holder and two 3rd party badge holder listed below. They are made from high-quality materials that will not fade in the sun. You can get a single badge for $7.50 and a set of six for only $37 (bottom of each page). And for those who have no more room on their grilles we also offer high-quality decals of each badge priced at $4.50.


You can take a closer look at the badges by clicking on each and you can buy the badge (or badges) of your choice by clicking on the button to the left. The new badge additions are on page 9 of the site.

And don’t forget our very popular R50 and R53 original Motorer badges. With the R50 and R53 MINI coupes now both out of production, they’ve taken on a greater meaning for many of us.

We’d also like to announce the availability of the first 3rd party grille badge holders. Both CravenSpeed.com and Outmotoring.com have announced their own grille badge holders and prices that are more reasonable than the OEM version. And we also have one MF sponsor (MyMini) selling the OEM holder and basically half off! You can find information below on both of the 3rd party badges and where to get the OEM version if you prefer the tried and true original.

Outmotoring Grille Badge Holder / On sale for $12.95 through Dec. 15th (regularly 16.95) (ships internationally)
Craven Speed Grille Badge Holder / $16.95 (ships internationally)

You can also get the OEM MINI grille badge holder (part #: 51 13 0 406 752) from the following MotoringFile sponsors:

MyMini: $12 (Ships internationally)
Morristown MINI $17.50
MINI of Manhattan $25
Patrick MINI $25