<p>Who is going to use these? Meter readers?
Great, but until someone invents a smaller battery about the size of a gas tank, then practibility of only having only two seats is the drawback.
Cost of plugging in – it won’t be long until the Govt places a tax on power charge for car just like fuel.
And where are all the new Power Plants going to be built when demand exceeds supply?
Where are all the Albert Einsteins when you need them?</p>
<p>@<a href="#comment-253242" rel="nofollow">Peter</a>: It’s a problem with Vimeo – they were perfect before the upload. I tried a bunch of different codecs and files types with no change.</p>
<p>@<a href="#comment-253270" rel="nofollow">GregW</a>: This is a “CityCar” demonstration, short trips, short charge times. The cars aren’t owned, they’re borrowed (I think) like those “reserve a car” services here in the US.</p>
<p>Here in the US, if we charged electrics at night, we already have the capacity <em>in place</em> to charge 2/3rds of the light vehicle fleet if we charged at night. This is because the generating capacity is built for peak demand, and utilization is typically about 1/3 of capacity.</p>
<p>The Einsteins of transportation ARE the ones that came up with this. It demonstrated the viability of electric cars for short trip use. It lowers the amount of tail-pipe emissions in city centers, where it has the highest impact on people. And it’s a test bed for distributed charge systems.</p>
<p>Solution for all, no way. Solution for some? Heck yes!</p>
<p>Matt, Anyone would think electric cars are a new invention by the way PR spin is being put on these.
Interested readers may want to have a look at the below link to read where electric cars have been around since the late 1800’s!
Check out – <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car" rel="nofollow ugc">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car</a></p>
<p>Leno is going to have a review of his very own MINI E on his website next week. Video should be up on Monday, 9 March and the web address is <a href="http://www.jaylenosgarage.com" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.jaylenosgarage.com</a></p>
<p>Thanks for the link Wolgang!! I didn’t know Jay Leno had a website. He’s got a great video on it about a Lotus Elan, my favorite car, besides MINI, of course..</p>
<p>Go Mini Go!</p>
<p>is it painfully choppy for anyone else? may need to try a different computer/internet connection.</p>
<p>Who is going to use these? Meter readers?
Great, but until someone invents a smaller battery about the size of a gas tank, then practibility of only having only two seats is the drawback.
Cost of plugging in – it won’t be long until the Govt places a tax on power charge for car just like fuel.
And where are all the new Power Plants going to be built when demand exceeds supply?
Where are all the Albert Einsteins when you need them?</p>
<p>A very good v1 of the technology. Need to start any engineering concept somewhere and this is not at all a bad first on-road implementation.</p>
<p>@<a href="#comment-253242" rel="nofollow">Peter</a>: It’s a problem with Vimeo – they were perfect before the upload. I tried a bunch of different codecs and files types with no change.</p>
<p>@<a href="#comment-253270" rel="nofollow">GregW</a>: This is a “CityCar” demonstration, short trips, short charge times. The cars aren’t owned, they’re borrowed (I think) like those “reserve a car” services here in the US.</p>
<p>Here in the US, if we charged electrics at night, we already have the capacity <em>in place</em> to charge 2/3rds of the light vehicle fleet if we charged at night. This is because the generating capacity is built for peak demand, and utilization is typically about 1/3 of capacity.</p>
<p>The Einsteins of transportation ARE the ones that came up with this. It demonstrated the viability of electric cars for short trip use. It lowers the amount of tail-pipe emissions in city centers, where it has the highest impact on people. And it’s a test bed for distributed charge systems.</p>
<p>Solution for all, no way. Solution for some? Heck yes!</p>
<p>Matt, Anyone would think electric cars are a new invention by the way PR spin is being put on these.
Interested readers may want to have a look at the below link to read where electric cars have been around since the late 1800’s!
Check out – <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car" rel="nofollow ugc">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car</a></p>
<p>Lets hope that these batteries on the MINI E aren’t like the batteries in cellphones where they die out completely after a few years.</p>
<p>The first rule of “viral videos” should be to not put your viewers to sleep. <em>yawn</em></p>
<p>Leno is going to have a review of his very own MINI E on his website next week. Video should be up on Monday, 9 March and the web address is <a href="http://www.jaylenosgarage.com" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.jaylenosgarage.com</a></p>
<p>Thanks for the link Wolgang!! I didn’t know Jay Leno had a website. He’s got a great video on it about a Lotus Elan, my favorite car, besides MINI, of course..</p>